Qualitative / Quantitative Research Method or both?

Alok Kumar
NYC Design
Published in
3 min readSep 20, 2018

I was always wondering that which is the best method for research and which one is appropriate for which particular scenario. So I did a mix of Qualitative & Quantitative Research for my latest User Behaviour Observation.

Goal : Understand User behaviour for online Jewellery buying. and to understand the pain point & trust issues for spending big amount online.

Method : Quantitative Research via Hotjar Poll & Survey on Bluestone Website. and Qualitative research through Individual User Interviews.

Lets’ discuss about Quantitative part via Hotjar Survey & Polls. I must say that Hotjar is an awesome tool to conduct survey & Poll. as well as Recording screens after defining a page / screen. I did all 3.

  • Observed key pages to record the screens
  • Prepared questions for Survey
  • Prepared quick questions for Poll

I think the challenge here is to be very specific about writing non leading questions and choosing appropriate screen to record. Via these method i received a huge number of data. Some data were something like…

The biggest challenge is to analyse the data you receive and come to a conclusion. So I analysed the data but didn’t come to a conclusion and didn’t take any decission.

Rather I added another layer of qualitative research here. I identified my Personas and conducted UT with the Users. Some Personal Interviews & some contextual inquiries.

Process followed for UT

  • Sampling
  • Calling and fixing the Interview time with respondents
  • Prepare Questions
  • Conducting UT
  • Analysis the Data via Excel, Trello & Keynote

Loved the use of the Trello for analysing and organising the findings. it’s option to move your cards at desired place helped a lot to iterate my ideas & data.

I validated lots of my Quantitative findings during Personal interviews. It helped me take any decision to make changes in my product.

Will share my detailed observations, findings, research & AB testing results in next articles….

So, I would recommend to choose the research method carefully and sometimes use both (Qualitative & Quantitative) to validate the data.

Also do use appropriate tools to fasten you work. I use Hotjar, Clevertap, Trello, Invision, for respective use cases. What tool do you use for your research methods?

