Redisgn and Its Objectives

Ondrej Durjak
NYC Design
2 min readDec 30, 2017


As early as at the time of adopting a redesigning decision, it should be relatively easy for a company to be able to have the answers to some basic questions. What is the primary objective of the redesign? What do we wish to achieve through the change? Without doubts, the objective should be in line with the company’s long-term business goals. Standard objectives of the redesign include higher conversion rate, collection of business leads, increasing the number of newsletter subscriptions or purchase of a product or service. The objectives should be clearly defined, they should be made known to the company’s key stakeholders who should identify themselves with them (this also being the most important prerequisite). If possible, the goals defining process should be based on the SMART methodology that will help you define the goals and set the priorities.

S — Specific — any redesign should serve some specific goal (such as to increase users’ purchase conversion)

M — Measurable — a goal should be measurable (quantifiable) so that one is able to assess whether it has, or has not been achieved (e.g. we achieve a 20% increase in purchase conversion)

A — Achievable — a goal should be achievable, as it is pointless to set goals that cannot be achieved — achievability of a goal is contingent upon suitable strategy and capacities we are willing to dedicate in order to attain the goal, be it human or financial resources.

R — Relevant — relevant goals should set that support and are in line with the company’s long-term business strategy

T — Time Bound — a goal should be linked to a certain period of time so that one is able to assess, at a certain point in time, whether the goal has, or has not been achieved. Also, this allows for real-time monitoring whether goals are being attained, and also shows the pace of the process.

Takeaway: Define a particular and clearly defined redesign goal. Apply the SMART methodology.

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