UX Design

Rachel Wang
NYC Design
Published in
4 min readSep 20, 2018

. Centralizing Academic Material @ General Assembly .

By Rachel Wang

Client & Goal: General Assembly (GA). With the mindset of growth, General Assembly is looking for ways to improve student experience academically.
Challenge: Centralize scattered academic material for GA Students.
Outcome: The prototype of a internet portal where GA Student can easily access and locate all academic materials.
Duration: One week.
My Design Process
: Double Diamond Approach.

  1. Hypothesis: The ways GA student receive and retrieve academic materials can be improved.

2. Research: By conducting User Interview, I collected users’ attitudinal and qualitative date.

  • Interviewees: 4 current GA or recent graduated students in Manhattan.
  • Before Interview: I prepared relevant and open-ended interview questions.
  • Interview length: about 30 minutes.
  • Recording method: Voice-recording.

3. Synthesis:

  • I documented, transcripted and analyzed the data from the interview.
  • I organized the key Pain Points and salient quotes of the students by Affinity Mapped.
  • I uncovered the insights from the students interviewed.

Problem Statement: GA student receive great amount of academic material. The materials are all over the places including google drive, myGa.ny and those sent via email or Slack. Student find it difficult to locate specific materials often.

Problem: How might GA deliver academic material more organized and efficiently, so that student can locate and access them easily ?

4. Ideate: Design and develop low-fidelity prototype.

  • I sketched ideas on paper.
  • I created wirefames.
  • I created clickable low- fidelity prototype. Prototype is created for desktop application to accommodate most students.
  • I did guarilla Usability Testing with the objectives of Learnability, Efficiency, Error Management and Satisfaction. Steps as following.

I created following 2 tasks.
1. Locate the lecture slides about “Problem Statement” presented by the instructor in the class.
2. Find the link about “Design Iteration” instructor once emailed to the class)

I designed following Metrics for Evaluation.
Completion Rate; Error Rate; Time to Task

I recruited 4 participants including 3 GA students and 1 person met in a Cafe in Manhattan.

I observed, took notes, and then asked questions and surveyed the participants.

After the 1st round of Usability Testing, I improved my prototype after analyzed the result of the testing. I then conducted 2nd round testing.

I compared the result of 2nd round of Usability Testing with that of the1st round. I further improved my prototype.

I annotated the wireframes, wrote report, specified Next Step suggestions for further implement.

4. Deliver: With the time constrain of the project, I handed off the final prototype (linked as followed) of my UX design, together with annotated wireframes and suggestions of next step.

