What are the Key Ingredients of UX Writing?

Archana Chowty
NYC Design
Published in
2 min readOct 23, 2018

Simple techniques to design words for software products/services.

UX writing in simple terms is designing words for software products or services. It necessitates communication between a software and its users. A good UX writing is key for a product/service to be successful in the digital era. UX writing is all the words that you see in a software or a service including the labels, buttons, image names, notifications, error messages, text/copy found in forms, product descriptions, FAQs, etc. A good UX copy will help you complete a task without any hassle, smoothly and naturally. Let’s look at the key ingredients that make a UX copy:

UX writing

Simple Words

UX writing employs simples words that users use in their daily life and avoids jargons, complicated words. Users come to your website for a particular reason, for example, to buy, to sell, to pay bills, book tickets, and so on, knowing this, you need to make sure your copy serves the exact purpose. Simple words are always effective in communicating your message to the users.


UX writing is concise, crisp, and to the point. It uses the active voice and provides the instructions, guidelines, tips, using minimum words that are just needed to make the point. Every word count in UX copywriting. How well you can communicate using a few words makes a world of difference in UX writing.


A good UX writing is almost invisible, which means the copy never stands apart from the overall product/service experience. The copy is tied to the context and the product/service’s overall experience. It reads naturally as a part of the flow and makes the task completion easy for users. UX writing is establishing and continuing a conversation with users throughout the user’s journey.


UX writing is fundamentally persuasive, it convinces, builds trust and helps the users confidently perform a task. It uses persuasive writing techniques to communicate effectively and establish a connection with users.


Every word that is seen on the screen is serving a purpose, UX copy is intended to help users, guide them, assist them, build trust in them, and also make the task easy for them. There is no scope of redundant, flowery words in UX copywriting.

UX writing is different from other forms of writing. The UX writer is involved from the beginning of a project, where the UX writer knows every feature/function of a product and what it aims to accomplish. A holistic customer experience can be created only when the design and the content teams work together as a team.

UX writers are experienced oriented who work closely with designers to create meaningful conversations between a product and its users. They will have a good understanding of design, the users/customers, the intended experience to be created. Let’s get the conversation started…



Archana Chowty
NYC Design

A mother, content strategist, technical writer who loves food, fun, friends and family. Of course, in no specific order. :)