What is Design Operations?

Bryn Ray
4 min readJul 19, 2018

Design Operations (or DesignOps) is the intentional operationalisation and optimisation of design. It focuses on designing the design practice and building a systematic framework that allows design to succeed at scale. It also explores how design can better integrate with an organisation to shape and build products that win.

To help give better insight into what design operations is, this article outlines what I personally view it as and the elements I believe are required to do it well.

What I do

I help organisations integrate design practice into their digital programme to deliver effective, scalable and user centred solutions. My approach is focused on designing beautiful businesses that align to the user and their experiences. I do so through controlled experimentation with organisational structures and operational strategies.


When operationalising I focus on strengthening the foundation of the design practice. The aim is to get the right tools, systems and practices in place to allow successful delivery of design at scale. This commonly includes:

  • The creation of a Design System
  • Design System adoption and a process for it’s continuous improvement
  • A Service Manual giving structure and guidance on how to conduct different design practices
  • Digital and design principles that serve as a “North Star” throughout the programme
  • Mapping and communications tools allowing value to be tracked and recognised


Once the foundation is laid through operationalising, I look to make the practice more efficient and effective. This commonly includes:

  • Advancing research, insight, discovery and analytical capability
  • Assessing the organisational design, modifying and integrating with other business areas
  • Mapping shapes of roles and building an effective acquisition, on-boarding and retention strategies
  • Putting in process to allow development of key skills while improving continuity
  • Measuring impact of design and ROI so it can be mapped against business goals


While much of the time design operations focuses inwards to define the working practice and equip the team, the rest is spent looking outwards and connecting with the business at large. I work to grow awareness of the design practice, the way it operates and build positive perception. This commonly includes:

  • Coaching key business units
  • Aligning objectives with wider business goal
  • Developing efficient ways of working
  • Improving cross-departmental communication


When I consider influence i’m focusing on how to improve working relationships with the wider business. When I consider direction I focus on working with both design and business leaders to shape the vision for a design lead company. This focuses on getting design the appropriate seat at the table and crafting a design strategy that supports the company mission, goals and objectives. All effort aims to weave user centred design, outcome orientated thinking and scientific method into the way the business operates.

How I do it

I’ve developed a playbook which pulls from a wide range of design and business management principles. The primary focus is always on utilising design practice efficiently and is broken into the five following areas.


While I try not to blame tools, it certainly helps when they’re fit for purpose. I work with design and procurement teams to choose, build and operationalise an effective set of tools that allow delivery with high competence. I aim to establish continuity across the practice, but also implement and change process that allows them to adapt as time goes on. An essential part of this is setting a goal for the use of a particular tool, understanding the relationships between required/optional capability and ensuring performance is measurable against a defined outcome.


Knowledge is power. To establish lasting change, as well as developing tools, processes and practice, I address how knowledge is shared and people are trained. This commonly considers:

  • Day-to-day processes such as how to use any tools introduced
  • How new team members can get up to speed quickly
  • How research is shared
  • How skill can progressed through to expert capability
  • Maturing understanding of design throughout the business


If the design practice aims to form an integral part of the business it needs to be able to demonstrate performance in their language. I work to educate everyone in a business about design thinking, but also aim to educate the design team about the business. I help progress capability by setting appropriate goals, improving the way they are measured and communicating why they’re important to us in helping others understand the value of design. Measurement is made in terms of value to both the business and the customer. This ultimately allows for effective programme management as insight empowers the business to always work on the areas of highest impact.


Design is often considered a capability separate to the core of the business and it regularly ends up detached, unable to make the impact it’s capable of. A major part of design operations is connecting with other capabilities and departments to better integrate working practice. Rather than designing upfront and then passing work through lengthy gated processes, I work to grant autonomy or get the right input and approval at the right time. The customer expects companies to be single entities working in unity, I work to make this a reality while keeping everyone focused on their needs.


Businesses are in a constant state of flux, responding to a wide array of factors. As a result their teams and organisational structures morph, bend and sometimes break. With deep understanding of the capabilities required to design with efficiency and effectiveness I help create organisational structures that perform, while being responsive to change. As part of this I map team and individual capability, establish requirements, orientate with high level outcomes and develop a training strategy to ensure resilience on ever changing terrain.

Need a hand with Design Operations?

I believe lasting change can only happen from the inside, so I embed myself within organisations to help structure, educate and systemise practices. If you’d like to start a conversation, please get in touch.

