Why Twitter is UX Success and Threads is UX Failure

NYC Design
Published in
3 min readJul 24, 2023


Let me make it clear from the beginning that my focus here isn’t on discussing the visual presentation or user flows of the products. Instead, I want to delve into the fascinating world of UX, specifically exploring the emotional experiences people have with products. In this context, I’ll be exploring the stakeholders’ vision and how it impacts the overall success of a product.

Twitter has long been a powerful platform for expressing thoughts and emotions through words. However, when Elon Musk acquired Twitter, it brought about a significant transformation.

Initially, there was speculation about Twitter’s future, with some fearing it might lose its essence and prompt users to seek alternative platforms. But as time passed, Musk’s vision breathed new life into Twitter, and it emerged as a resounding success for fostering freedom of speech. Under Musk’s guidance, Twitter underwent various changes that revolutionized the way people express themselves to the world.

On the other hand, Threads comes across as a mere replica of Twitter, giving rise to the question of whether it emerged from a sense of envy within Meta. Yet, it seems they may have overlooked a crucial aspect:

Twitter has transcended its status as a mere social platform. Its bond with users now extends to a profound and emotive connection, entwined with a strong sense of logic and meaning.

Recently, I’ve witnessed one of the most remarkable outcomes of Twitter’s UX: Citizen Journalism. In today’s world, numerous events and occurrences often go unnoticed by mainstream media or other platforms, and if covered, the information might be delayed. However, Twitter stands out as a real-time source for such news. It has become a reliable platform to access accurate information on global issues, especially when traditional media may be influenced by powerful governments.

24-hour Twitter Space hosted by @marionawfal

A compelling example of this phenomenon is the recent 24-hour Twitter Space hosted by Mario Nawfal, shedding light on the Russian Coup Attempt. While mainstream media largely ignored or downplayed the story, Twitter provided an open space for real-time discussions, empowering users with timely and unfiltered insights into significant events.

When discussing Threads, it’s important to mention its parent company, Meta, which is responsible for popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. However, these products have faced significant concerns related to privacy, freedom of speech, and data protection. Numerous instances of data leaks to various entities have come to light, raising serious questions about how such breaches occurred. Given this problematic history, Thread itself raises concerns about its ability to safeguard data and ensure freedom of speech.

Let’s talk about the stakeholder engagement on various platforms. Elon Musk serves as an inspiring example in this regard, especially on Twitter. He actively engages with users, making genuine efforts to listen and understand them. His strategic approach has not only led to a profitable business but also resulted in rewarding eligible users. It’s akin to him nurturing Twitter like a baby, and as a result, the platform has flourished.

From a user experience perspective, Twitter stands apart as a unique platform that allows people to freely express their emotions and thoughts, irrespective of whether they pertain to social, political, or religious issues. This emotional and intellectual connection that users have with Twitter is truly remarkable and sets it apart from other platforms in the world.

In conclusion, I wish to emphasize that my observations and discussions about Twitter and Elon Musk should not be misconstrued as mere praise. As a UX student, my intent is to share what I have genuinely observed and discussed with others. I present my findings with humility, recognizing the possibility of being mistaken, and ultimately leave it to the readers to form their own conclusions based on the information provided.



NYC Design

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