NYC Opportunity Staff to Speak on Using Research and Evidence to Help Low-Income New Yorkers

NYC Opportunity
NYC Opportunity
Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2019
National Association for Welfare Research and Statistics
NAWRS Workshop

The National Association for Welfare Research and Statistics (NAWRS) 2019 Workshop is being held July 28–31 and NYC Opportunity staff will be presenting on four panels, discussing how New York City is using research and evidence to design and operate programs for low-income New Yorkers.

NAW RS is a leading non-profit association that focuses on improving human services programs for low-income Americans through the use of research and statistical analysis. This is the first time NYC Opportunity staff from three different teams will be presenting at one of its workshops.

The NYC Opportunity participants are:

Dan Edelman will be talking about NYC Opportunity’s Jobs Plus program, a place-based workforce program that serves New York City Housing Authority public housing developments

Holistic, Collaborative Workforce Development Programming for Public Housing Residents: Learning from Jobs-Plus

  • Moderator: Kim Tesch-Vaught, PCG
  • Daniel Edelman, NYC Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity
  • Josh Leopold, Urban Institute
  • Nandita Verma, MDRC

Pascale Mevs will be talking about NYC Opportunity’s work with opportunity youth, young people between 16 and 24 who are not working or in school

Serving Opportunity Youth through Innovative Collaborations in Government

  • Pascale Mevs, New York City Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity
  • Liam Ristow, Westat
  • Danielle Cummings, MDRC

Tayyab Walker will be talking about NYC Opportunity’s work on establishing an integrated workforce data system for New York City that will support decision-making and research to improve programs and strengthen the City’s workforce system

Research Academy — Innovative Approaches to Collaborating Around Workforce Data to Improve Job Programs

  • Moderator: Sarah Leopold, Center for Work Education and Employment
  • Tayyab Walker, New York City Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity (NYC Opportunity)
  • Kristin Porter, MDRC
  • Jeannine LaPrad, Corporation for a Skilled Workforce

Caroline Bauer will give an overview of how NYC Opportunity’s Service Design Studio worked with the Administration for Children’s Services to embed service design in the agency’s child welfare programs, and share the findings of the Studio’s forthcoming evaluation

NYC’s Service Design Studio: A Resident-First Approach to Public Service

  • Moderator: Tomiko Breston, Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services
  • Caroline Bauer, NYC Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity
  • Kailey Burger, NYC Administration for Children’s Services
  • Markus Kessler, NYC Administration for Children’s Services
  • Stephen Whitlow, Abt Associates

Read more about NAWRS and the conference session schedule.

