Platform Updates: February 2018

More data, better search, and new download options on the Capital Planning Platform

Jonathan Pichot
NYC Planning Tech
2 min readFeb 15, 2018


1. New Data

Inclusionary Housing and Citibike stations are now on the Capital Planning Platform!

2. Map Top Bar and Improved Search

The map includes a new top bar that integrates an improved search and a consolidated Download tab. The search now uses NYC Planning Lab’s Geosearch geocoder, providing better and more relevant search results for all of New York City’s unique and quirky addresses.

3. Download options pane

On the right of the top bar is a new consolidated Download tab. This tab includes all Downloads available to a given user, and includes the ability to download the filtered data, as before.

New Download Pane

4. Integrated Detail Pages

Detail pages now pop up from below when a feature is clicked rather then slide in over the entire page. This allows for faster, more intuitive exploration of the map as well as letting you click through all available options under a point.

New detail pages.



Jonathan Pichot
NYC Planning Tech

Passionate urbanist, skeptical technologist • Building the future of planning at NYC Planning