Memoization: Ruby and Rails Design Patterns

Maximizing Performance and Efficiency with Memoization: Best Practices and Strategies for Ruby and Ruby on Rails Developers.

Patrick Karsh
NYC Ruby On Rails
8 min readMar 27, 2023


Memoization is a powerful technique in computer programming that can significantly enhance the performance of functions and methods. In the context of Ruby, a dynamic and versatile programming language, memoization serves as a valuable tool for optimizing repetitive and computationally expensive operations. By intelligently caching the results of function calls, memoization allows developers to avoid redundant computations and improve the overall efficiency of their code. In this article, we will explore the concept of memoization in Ruby, examine its application in Ruby on Rails applications, discuss potential risks and drawbacks, and delve into three different memoization patterns that can be utilized to boost performance. Whether you are a seasoned Ruby developer or new to the language, understanding memoization and its implementation techniques will empower you to write more efficient and responsive code.

Memoization in Ruby

Memoization is a technique used in computer programming to optimize the performance of a function by caching the results of expensive function calls and reusing them later. In other words, memoization involves storing the result of a function call for a specific set of input parameters so that the same result can be returned quickly when the function is called again with the same input parameters.

In Ruby, memoization can be implemented using instance variables or class variables. For example, let’s say you have a function that calculates the factorial of a number:

This function is recursive and calculates the factorial of a number by calling itself multiple times. This can be slow and inefficient for large values of n. By using memoization, we can avoid recalculating the same result multiple times:

In this modified function, we create an instance variable @factorials to store the previously calculated results. We check if the result for n is already stored in @factorials and return it immediately if it is. If it's not, we calculate the result using recursion and store it in @factorials for future use.

By using memoization, we avoid the need to recalculate the same results multiple times, which can significantly speed up our code. This is especially useful for expensive calculations or functions that are called frequently with the same input parameters.

How can you use memoization to speed up a Ruby on Rails application?

Memoization can be used in a Ruby on Rails application to speed up expensive method calls that are frequently used. Here are a few examples of how memoization can be used in a Rails application:

Caching Database Queries

In a Rails application, you might have a model method that performs an expensive database query, such as searching for all users who have a particular attribute. By memoizing the result of this method, you can avoid repeating the same database query multiple times for the same set of input parameters.

In this example, we create an instance variable @users_with_attribute to store the results of the query. We check if the results for attribute are already stored in @users_with_attribute and return them immediately if they are. If they are not, we perform the database query and store the results in @users_with_attribute for future use.

Caching Expensive Calculations

In a Rails application, you might have a view helper method that performs an expensive calculation, such as formatting a date in a specific way. By memoizing the result of this method, you can avoid repeating the same calculation multiple times for the same set of input parameters.

In this example, we create an instance variable @formatted_dates to store the formatted dates. We check if the formatted date for date is already stored in @formatted_dates and return it immediately if it is. If it is not, we format the date and store the formatted date in @formatted_dates for future use.

Caching API Responses

In a Rails application, you might have a method that makes an API call to retrieve data. By memoizing the result of this method, you can avoid repeating the same API call multiple times for the same set of input parameters.

In this example, we create an instance variable @api_response to store the API response and the timestamp of the API call. We check if the API response and timestamp are already stored in @api_response and return them immediately if they are. If they are not, we make the API call and store the response and timestamp in @api_response for future use.

Overall, memoization can be a powerful technique for optimizing the performance of a Rails application by reducing the number of expensive method calls that need to be performed. However, it’s important to use memoization judiciously and to be aware of its limitations, such as the potential for stale or invalid data if the underlying data changes.

What are some potential risks and drawbacks of using memoization in a Ruby on Rails application?

While memoization can be a powerful technique for optimizing the performance of a Ruby on Rails application, overusing memoization can also have negative consequences. Here are some potential dangers of overusing memoization in a Rails application:

Increased Memory Usage

Memoization involves storing the results of expensive method calls in memory so that they can be reused later. If you overuse memoization in your Rails application, you may end up storing a large amount of data in memory, which can increase the memory usage of your application. This can lead to performance issues, especially if your application is running on a server with limited memory resources.

Stale or Invalid Data

Memoization works best when the results of a method call are consistent over time for the same set of input parameters. However, if the underlying data changes, the results of a memoized method call may become stale or invalid. This can lead to incorrect or inconsistent behavior in your application. For example, if you memoize the results of a database query and the data in the database changes, the memoized results may no longer reflect the current state of the database.

Difficulty in Debugging

Memoization can make it more difficult to debug your code, especially if the memoized data is not being cleared or updated properly. If you are not careful, you may end up with unexpected behavior in your application that is difficult to diagnose and fix.

Increased Complexity

Memoization can add complexity to your code, especially if you are using it in multiple places throughout your application. This can make your code harder to read and maintain over time, especially if you are working with a large team of developers.

Overall, memoization can be a powerful tool for optimizing the performance of a Ruby on Rails application, but it should be used judiciously and carefully. It’s important to consider the potential risks and drawbacks of memoization before implementing it in your code.

What are three different memoization patterns you can use in a Ruby on Rails application?

There are different memoization patterns you can use in a Ruby on Rails application to improve performance. Here are three memoization patterns:

Instance Variable Memoization

This is the most common memoization pattern in Ruby on Rails. It involves using instance variables to cache the result of a method call. Here is an example of how to use instance variable memoization to cache the result of a database query:

In this example, we use an instance variable @users_with_name to cache the results of the database query for the given name. If the data is already in the cache, we return it directly. If not, we perform the database query and store the result in the cache.

Class Variable Memoization

Class variable memoization is similar to instance variable memoization, but it uses class variables instead of instance variables. Class variable memoization is useful when you want to cache data across all instances of a class. Here is an example of how to use class variable memoization:

In this example, we use a class variable @@users_with_role to cache the results of the database query for the given role. If the data is already in the cache, we return it directly. If not, we perform the database query and store the result in the cache.

Method Memoization

Method memoization involves defining a new method that caches the result of an expensive method call. Here is an example of how to use method memoization:

In this example, we define a new method cached_expensive_method that caches the result of the expensive_method call using an instance variable.

Overall, there are multiple memoization patterns you can use in a Ruby on Rails application to improve performance. The choice of pattern depends on the specific use case and the design of your application.


In conclusion, memoization is a valuable technique that can greatly enhance the performance of Ruby applications, particularly in the context of Ruby on Rails. By intelligently caching the results of expensive method calls, developers can avoid unnecessary computations and significantly improve the overall responsiveness of their code. However, it is important to exercise caution and judiciously apply memoization, considering its potential risks and drawbacks such as increased memory usage, stale data, debugging complexity, and code maintenance challenges. By striking the right balance and employing appropriate memoization patterns, developers can leverage the power of memoization to optimize their Ruby on Rails applications and deliver efficient, high-performing software solutions.



Patrick Karsh
NYC Ruby On Rails

NYC-based Ruby on Rails and Javascript Engineer leveraging AI to explore Engineering.