Writing Reliable and User-Friendly Factory Bot Factories: Ruby on Rails Best Practices

Writing Reliable and User-Friendly Factory Bot Factories: Best Practices with Examples

Patrick Karsh
NYC Ruby On Rails
6 min readSep 4, 2023


Factory Bot (formerly FactoryGirl) is a powerful Ruby gem that streamlines the process of creating test data. Writing reliable and easy-to-use factories is essential for maintaining an efficient and effective testing suite. In this article, we’ll explore best practices for creating Factory Bot factories, supported by real-world code examples and counterexamples.

Best Practice: Keep Factories Simple and Specific

Keeping factories simple and specific is crucial for maintaining an organized and maintainable testing environment. When factories are designed with a single responsibility in mind, they become easier to understand, modify, and troubleshoot. Clear and focused factories reduce the risk of unnecessary complexity and ensure that test data remains consistent and reliable across different scenarios. By adhering to this principle, developers can confidently create test data without worrying about unexpected interactions or excessive duplication, ultimately leading to a more efficient and effective testing process.

Best Practice:

factory :user do
name { Faker::Name.name }
email { Faker::Internet.email }
password { 'password123' }


factory :user_with_orders do
# Complex logic to create orders...

Best Practice: Create Helper Methods

Creating helper methods for commonly used factory setups is a best practice that enhances the readability, reusability, and maintainability of your tests. In the provided best practice example, a helper method named create_approved_post is defined. This method encapsulates the process of creating a post with the published attribute set to true, indicating an approved post. By abstracting this setup into a helper method, you create a single point of definition for this specific scenario, making it easier to use consistently across your tests.

Best Practice:

def create_approved_post
create(:post, published: true)

# Usage:
let(:post) { create_approved_post }


let(:post) { create(:post, published: true) }

When you create helper methods for factory setups, you achieve several benefits:

  1. Readability: Using a descriptive method name like create_approved_post makes the intent of the test setup clear and explicit. This improves the readability of your test cases, as other developers can quickly understand what the method does without delving into the details of the factory creation.
  2. Reusability: By defining helper methods, you can reuse complex or frequently used setups across multiple test cases. This avoids duplication of code and ensures a consistent setup, reducing errors that might arise from manual repetition.
  3. Maintainability: If the setup logic for a particular scenario changes, you only need to update the helper method’s implementation rather than searching for and updating the same setup in multiple places. This minimizes maintenance effort and reduces the likelihood of inconsistencies.

In the provided counterexample, the setup logic is directly included in the test using let(:post) { create(:post, published: true) }. While functional, this approach can become less clear and more error-prone as the complexity of the setup increases or as the same setup is repeated across various tests.

Best Practice: Use Faker for Realistic Data

Using Faker for realistic data is a best practice in Factory Bot factories because it helps create test data that closely resembles real-world scenarios. In the provided example of the best practice, the factory for a user generates random and varied data for the name and email attributes using the Faker gem. This ensures that the test data is diverse and more representative of actual user information. Developers can rely on Faker to produce authentic names and email addresses, enhancing the quality of the test suite's data and making tests more comprehensive.

Best Practice:

factory :user do
name { Faker::Name.name }
email { Faker::Internet.email }


factory :user do
name { 'John Doe' }
email { 'john.doe@example.com' }

In contrast, the counterexample directly assigns static values ('John Doe' and 'john.doe@example.com') to the name and email attributes in the user factory. This approach creates less realistic and less diverse test data, which can lead to insufficient test coverage and potentially overlook edge cases. By not using Faker to generate dynamic data, developers miss out on the benefits of having varied, realistic information in their tests.

In summary, using Faker to generate realistic data in Factory Bot factories adds a layer of authenticity to the test data and helps create more robust test cases that cover a wider range of scenarios.

Best Practice: Keep Factories Independent

Keeping factories independent is important for maintaining isolation and avoiding unnecessary coupling between objects in your testing environment. In the provided best practice example, the user and post factories are defined separately, with the post factory referencing the user factory as an association. This approach ensures that each factory can stand alone and create its respective object without relying on the existence or behavior of other factories.

Best Practice:

factory :user do
name { Faker::Name.name }
email { Faker::Internet.email }

factory :post do
title { Faker::Lorem.sentence }


factory :user do
name { Faker::Name.name }
email { Faker::Internet.email }
posts { [create(:post)] }

factory :post do
title { Faker::Lorem.sentence }

By maintaining independence between factories, you achieve the following benefits:

  1. Isolation of Tests: Independent factories prevent unintended side effects in your tests. In the best practice example, the post factory doesn't need to create a user with associated posts to function properly. This separation helps ensure that tests focus solely on the specific behavior being tested, rather than on related object interactions.
  2. Reduced Complexity: Independent factories lead to simpler and more maintainable test setups. In the best practice, each factory only has to deal with its own attributes and associations. This simplicity makes the factories easier to understand, modify, and debug.
  3. Flexibility: If you need to modify or extend a factory’s behavior, doing so won’t inadvertently affect other factories. Independent factories allow for changes to be made to one factory without causing ripple effects in other parts of the test suite.

In the provided counterexample, the user factory relies on creating associated post objects using posts { [create(:post)] }. This tightly couples the factories and might lead to unexpected behaviors or complicated setups. Changes to the post factory could impact the user factory and vice versa, making the code harder to maintain and troubleshoot.

Best Practice: Stay DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself)

Best Practice:

# Define a base factory with common attributes
factory :base_user do
name { Faker::Name.name }
email { Faker::Internet.email }

# Inherit from the base factory and add specific attributes
factory :user, parent: :base_user do
# Additional attributes specific to users

# Inherit from the base factory and add specific attributes
factory :admin, parent: :base_user do
role { 'admin' }

In this example, we adhere to the “Stay DRY” principle by creating a base_user factory that contains common attributes shared among different types of users. By doing so, we eliminate the need to repeat these attributes across different factories. The user and admin factories inherit from the base_user factory and only add the specific attributes that differentiate them. This approach reduces duplication, ensures consistency, and makes it easier to manage changes to common attributes.


# Repeating similar attributes across multiple factories
factory :user do
name { Faker::Name.name }
email { Faker::Internet.email }
# ...

factory :admin do
name { Faker::Name.name } # Repeated attribute
email { Faker::Internet.email } # Repeated attribute
role { 'admin' }
# ...

In the counterexample, we’re not adhering to the “Stay DRY” principle. The name and email attributes are repeated in both the user and admin factories, leading to potential inconsistencies and maintenance challenges. If changes are needed for these attributes, they would have to be updated in multiple places, increasing the risk of errors and making the code harder to maintain. This approach also doesn't promote a clear separation of concerns between different types of users.

Key Takeaways

  1. Keep Factories Simple and Specific: Maintaining simple and specific factories ensures an organized and maintainable testing environment. This approach leads to clearer, easier-to-troubleshoot setups, reducing the risk of unnecessary complexity and ensuring consistent and reliable test data across various scenarios.
  2. Create Helper Methods: Creating helper methods for common factory setups enhances test readability, reusability, and maintainability. Abstracting complex setups into helper methods improves code clarity, promotes reuse across multiple tests, and streamlines maintenance efforts when setup logic changes.
  3. Use Faker for Realistic Data: Leveraging Faker for generating realistic data improves the authenticity of test data. Dynamic data generation, as shown in the provided example, leads to more comprehensive test coverage by representing a diverse range of real-world scenarios.
  4. Keep Factories Independent: Ensuring factory independence isolates tests and prevents unintended side effects. Separate factory definitions, like the user and post factories in the best practice, enable clearer focus on individual behaviors and streamlined test setups.
  5. Stay DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself): Adhering to the “Stay DRY” principle through base factories and inheritance reduces redundancy, inconsistency, and maintenance challenges. Reusable setups and consolidated attributes enhance maintainability and code clarity.

Incorporating these key takeaways into your Factory Bot practices empowers you to create more efficient, effective, and maintainable test suites, ultimately contributing to the quality and success of your Ruby on Rails projects.



Patrick Karsh
NYC Ruby On Rails

NYC-based Ruby on Rails and Javascript Engineer leveraging AI to explore Engineering. https://linktr.ee/patrickkarsh