Mount a Remote S3 Object Storage as Local Filesystem with S3FS-FUSE

remko de knikker
Published in
5 min readNov 25, 2020


In this tutorial, you will mount a remote Object Storage bucket using s3fs onto your local machine as a local directory. This practice is known as Filesystem in Userspace or FUSE. In this tutorial I used a MacOS (to be precise I used a MacOS Catalina version 10.15, MacBook Pro) and an Ubuntu environment at

Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE) lets non-privileged users create a file system in their user space. The FUSE project consists of two components: a FUSE kernel module that is part of the Linux kernel since version 2.6.14, and the libfuse userspace library. The libfuse library provides a reference implementation for communication with the FUSE kernel module, providing client functions to mount the file system, unmount it, read requests from the kernel, and send responses back. FUSE is particularly useful for writing Virtual File Systems (VFS).


s3fs or s3fs-fuse is an Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) and S3-based object stores compatible FUSE filesystem disk management utility that…



remko de knikker

Cloud Native Developer Advocate @IBMDeveloper for Cloud Native, Containers, Kubernetes, Security and DevOps. Dutch NYer, dad, humanist with empathy for paradox.