Product release: Business Intelligence for crypto-assets

Blaise Cavalli
Published in
2 min readAug 17, 2020

Nyctale is proud to announce its first product release! Sign-up here to enjoy your 30-days free trial ☝️

Since late 2017, we have been working hard to develop advanced analytics tools around public blockchain networks to analyze investment and usage behaviors. After several iterations on our product development, we are finally ready to launch our Business Intelligence SaaS solution dedicated to digital assets and the future of finance!

Our solution will provide you strategic insights on decentralized applications by monitoring on-chain activity patterns around crypto-assets to measure token-based business model efficiency. Our unique tools deliver actionable insights through sophisticated KPIs with an easy export capability.

Henceforth, you can rate and rank blockchain networks activity to analyze, assess and compare token’s performance regarding real usage and adoption metrics. Have a look at the user guide below to discover our solution 👇

If you want to know more about us, you can also consult our video presentation which better explain the different aspect of our approach and development strategy 🤓

As we move to this new step on our development journey, we will be looking for additional strategic partners to keep the pace of the blockchain industry development 🚀

In case of interest, please reach out to us at 👋

