Earth Day, Every Day

NYC Water Staff
NYC Water
Published in
1 min readApr 22, 2019

It’s no surprise that, over here at NYC Water, we are VERY into Earth Day. As a world-class water utility serving the most populous city in the United States, we work hard to make sure that all New Yorkers have access to high-quality drinking water at the mere turn of the tap. We also collect and treat the 1.3 billion gallons of wastewater that the city’s 8.6 billion residents produce every single day. Our investments in gray and green infrastructure have led to the Hudson River experiencing the highest water quality in over a century.

At least 193 countries around the world have gotten in on the act of celebrating Mother Earth since Earth Day’s inception in 1970. The very first Earth Day was created by Wisconsin Senator, Gaylord Nelson. Nelson, driven by the revolutionary spirit of the ’60s-’70s, decided to create a day designed to bring awareness to the nation’s ever-mounting environmental concerns. The success of the very first Earth Day lead to the formation of the Environmental Protection Agency by the end of that year.

So from all of us here at NYC Water, happy Earth Day! What are you doing to celebrate?



NYC Water Staff
NYC Water

Drink from the tap, flush the toilet, enjoy New York's waterways—we make sure everything flows according to plan.