Grants for Green Infrastructure

NYC Water Staff
NYC Water
Published in
2 min readMar 22, 2017
Green Roof at Brooklyn Navy Yard

We are continuing with our city-wide efforts to soften the impervious urban landscape and help absorb stormwater that would otherwise drain into the combined sewer system and contribute to sewer overflows into local waterways. As we successfully move forward with the build-out of green infrastructure on city-owned property, we are also encouraging non-profits, institutions and other private property owners to apply for funding that is available for stormwater management projects through the ongoing Green Infrastructure Grant Program. Private properties account for about 50 percent of all land area within the five boroughs and therefore are an important component of our efforts to improve water quality. The Grant Program provides funding for stormwater management projects, also called green infrastructure, such as blue roofs, rain gardens, green roofs, porous pavements and rainwater harvesting on private property.

Staff recently hosted a workshop on March 16 at Civic Hall, located at 118 West 22nd Street in Manhattan, and explained to the 25 attendees the eligibility requirements and the application process. All private property owners served by combined sewers in New York City are eligible to apply for a green infrastructure grant. Grant funding is provided for the design and construction of green infrastructure projects that manage 1″ of stormwater runoff from the contributing impervious area.

If selected, DEP will reimburse each grantee for the design and construction costs for the green infrastructure project. Preference will be given to projects that are located in priority watersheds, are cost-effective, provide matching funds or other contributions, and include ancillary environmental and community benefits such as public access, increased awareness about stormwater management, and green jobs development. DEP will also accept requests for pre-application meetings with developers, professional designers, project teams or other organizations representing constituencies in real estate, business groups, or other large groups. To arrange a meeting with DEP engineers to discuss proposal specifics in advance of submitting an application, email

The next workshop will be held on June 14, at 3pm. To RSVP for the workshop, or to see dates and times of future workshops, go to the DEP website. The on-line application is available for anyone to review and it can be submitted to DEP at any time, year-round.



NYC Water Staff
NYC Water

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