Roadmapping Energy and Carbon Neutrality

NYC Water Staff
NYC Water
Published in
Sep 22, 2021
Staff from consultant AECOM USA Inc. and sub-consultant JK Muir LLC photograph blowers at a wastewater resource recovery facility where a complete aeration system upgrade is in design.

As the COVID-19 pandemic finally subsides, we have commenced on-site energy audits and walkthroughs for various system improvements at our wastewater resource recovery facilities. These energy audits will chart our roadmap to Energy and Carbon Neutrality (ECN) over the next three decades and enable us to comply with the NYC Climate Mobilization Act, OneNYC 2050, and other legislation and Mayoral directives mandating climate action.

Preliminary findings show that, while ECN will be operationally challenging and require significant investment to accomplish, we hold some of the most unique and substantial opportunities for renewable energy generation and carbon sequestration out of all NYC government agencies.



NYC Water Staff
NYC Water

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