Tapped In: Earth Day Edition

NYC Water Staff
NYC Water
Published in
2 min readApr 20, 2018

Happy Earth Day 2018! Since Earth Day’s inception in 1970, at least 193 countries around the world have gotten in on the act of celebrating dear, old mom—Mama Earth. The very first Earth Day was created by Wisconsin Senator, Gaylord Nelson. Nelson, driven by the revolutionary spirit of the 60’s-70’s, decided to create a day designed to bring awareness to the nation’s ever-mounting environmental concerns. The success of the very first Earth Day lead to the formation of the Environmental Protection Agency by the end of that year.

This issue of Tapped In highlights some of the events going on in for Earth Day in NYC (get involved, y’all!) and….plastic. So much plastic. 😢

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NYC Water Staff
NYC Water

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