Data Science really IS for everyone.

Shannon Li
NYU Data Science Review
3 min readMay 2, 2023

NYU’s flagship data science class, and the required introductory course when starting the journey of data science at the school, is very aptly named “Data Science for Everyone,” and I’m here to tell you why.

Data and science, two complicated and borderline scary subjects mashed into one discipline Data science is a topic that constantly has words like “machine learning” and “artificial intelligence” thrown around. What even is data science? Data, according to Google, is¹ “facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis” and science is² “the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained.” But that still doesn’t answer the question: what is data science? Some terrifying combination of the two involving observing and experimenting with big numbers, equations, and unintelligible code? Not quite.

Data science isn’t so hard to understand, and it is actually a subject made so we CAN understand things. Data science is like the love child of programming, statistics, math, and theory. It’s there to help us make meaning from those scary, complicated subjects and datasets out there in the world.

Data science is versatile, and it isn’t quite as clinical as it sounds. Think of your favorite things. Fashion? Using data science, you can analyze the trends of the past and make accurate predictions for what will be in season next. Video Games? With the data from each game you play, you can investigate for potential patterns in your opponents’ moves and come up with an unbeatable move combo. Cooking? Use data science to analyze the ratios of ingredients that work for every gravy you will ever make. Data science may seem daunting, but it is a hugely useful skill to have under your belt — and it’s easy to start right now!

With data in the world being more accessible than ever, being able to analyze what we, as the public, have access to, is an immensely powerful tool. Data is in your schoolwork, corporate job, hobbies, and interests. It is the crux of things like the stock market, Tiktok, and Tinder. It is and will change the world. With data science as a tool in your pocket, you can too.

Take advantage of our quickly growing accessibility to data and impress your friends, coworkers, professors, bosses, and yourself, with the novel insights you will provide by utilizing data science.

Here are some resources to help you get started: : get started with a variety of interactive, user-friendly courses for free, with options to pay if you decide data science is for you! free and with a comprehensive introduction into data science topics, including statistics, vocabulary, coding, and more!

And NYU’s very own “Data Science for Everyone” : From the course website itself³: “This is a course that will change your life (really!). This course will empower you to understand and use data in a principled way to better explain, make decisions in, and predict the world.”

Now that we are beginning to demystify the enigma that was data science, you can go forth and predict, code, and analyze to your heart’s content. With data science as a tool in your arsenal, the world is your oyster, and data are your pearls.

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