Letter to My First-Year Self: Daniel Zabari

Rachel Joy Bell
NYU Hillel
Published in
2 min readMay 15, 2020
Man with brown hair and beard wearing a lavender shirt stands in front of a beige stone wall.
Daniel Zabari

Dear Me, but a few years ago:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I know you’re not excited to start at Cooper, and there’s a good reason for that. Turns out, it’s not the school for you bud. But you already sort of know that, even if you’re having some trouble admitting it. Sit down, relax, take a few deep breaths. You’re not going to think for about a year. After that you won’t stop thinking, and you’ll be able to breathe away most of your problems. A lot of things will happen. Most of them will not be very surprising. Maybe you’ll learn a little bit more about how to solve your problems. Maybe it only seems that way. Don’t forget to keep that goofy smile on your face, it’ll get you through most of the harder times (there aren’t that many, don’t worry). And sure, not everything will end up exactly how you would have liked it to. But it mostly does, if I remember correctly. You even got the job you always dreamed of, just in the wrong city, sorry about that. So uh, enough reading man. Go forth. Get started. I love you.

— You, but dressed a little better

Daniel is a Senior at Hunter College studying Computer Science.

