Letter to my First-Year Self — Maggie Sonenshine

Rachel Joy Bell
NYU Hillel
Published in
2 min readMay 23, 2024
Maggie Sonenshine

Hi Maggie!

Things will not go exactly according to plan. You’re already familiar with the concept and anxious enough as it is; most of your classes are on Zoom and you’re starting college with a two week quarantine. It isn’t looking like NYU will be what you expected, but I promise that it will not only get better, but turn into something truly wonderful. Everything is going to be okay.

Those friendships you’ll awkwardly make over Zoom and from a safe social distance will turn into meaningful relationships with people who love and care about you. From bad movie nights, bagel Sundays, and hours spent outside Madman Espresso, you will build lasting networks of support and camaraderie.

I know right now it feels silly to join clubs, apply for jobs and internships, or look more than two weeks into the very uncertain future, but taking those small steps to put yourself out there will pay off. Every community you become a part of, from Hillel, to Admissions Ambassadors, to a certain satire club, will bring meaningful relationships and experiences that will aid you in navigating an isolated first year on campus and beyond.

You’ll also have the chance to briefly impact the lives of seventy-one phenomenal students who will at times teach you more than your college professors. Those days in the classroom will by no means be easy, but they will shape you into a confident educator who is ready for a class of her own.

Right now you’re feeling like a small fish in a very big pond. Learn to take that in stride and take advantage of all the opportunities that the city and this school have to offer you! It may seem daunting, but as the world begins to open up again you will find new ways to come into your own. In the meantime, remember to celebrate your accomplishments, savor every moment, and don’t let anyone make fun of you for going to bed early!

L’chi lach, on your journey I will bless you! And you shall be a blessing, l’chi lach.

Maggie Sonenshine

