MOS: Tourists on The High Line

Natalie Melendez
NYU Journalistic Inquiry
2 min readSep 20, 2021
The High Line on Saturday, September 19th

Rottam (uncomfortable with sharing last name), 24, Israel *with Elmar

  • “[We’re here] just on vacation. We really like the United States. There were many places we wanted to visit. [We’ve been to] many tourist places like Central Park, the Brooklyn Bridge and the main areas.”
  • “I don’t really feel anything too different [in terms of COVID]. Like, besides the masks. But I thought that many places would be closed, and everything is like totally normal.”

Elmar (uncomfortable with sharing last name), 23, Israel *with Rottam

  • “Before New York we’ve been to Los Angeles and Vegas. This is our last destination.”
  • “I think it’s really fascinating. Seeing how things turn out to be, like seeing how [COVID restrictions are] in different countries now. And also after so long [of] being in quarantine and everything.”

Tim Goodin, 26, Massachusetts

  • “I was actually here for a concert last night at Pier 17 for Lord Huron. Big fan, so I had to come.”
  • “[The last time I came was] probably a couple months ago. Like 10 of us just as a friend group like to visit my [NYC] friends and just hang out. [COVID-wise] it was pretty similar to like two months ago, so there’s not that big of a difference.”

Charles Otterstedt, 33, Richmond, Virginia *with Sampie

  • “We were gonna see a concert but they canceled it last second. But we have a two-year-old and a newborn, so we had already set up babysitting. We were like, we’re gonna go [to NYC].”
  • “We’re coming from a place where it’s a lot more lax with [COVID restrictions], and people aren’t as considerate from our perspective. So it’s nice to see more people that are masked up here.”

Sampie Otterstedt, 33, Richmond Virginia *with Charles

  • “This is the first time I flew. Honestly, I like that New York has the mandate for all the vaccines, like vaccination cards for eating indoors and stuff. In Virginia they don’t have that. They’re just doing it on their own.”
  • “I feel pretty safe. A lot of people will respect and do the right thing, especially in front of places I think.”

