Rising Temperature Puts Energy Grids At Risk

NYU SPS Center for Global Affairs
Published in
1 min readJul 6, 2023

Dr. Carolyn Kissane, Associate Dean of the NYU SPS Center for Global Affairs, published an article in The Messenger about the impact of recent heat waves sweeping across the US and their impacts on our electricity grids.

Will our energy grids be able to handle the heat waves expected for Summer 2023?

Here’s an excerpt from “Our Energy Grid Is Designed for Averages — Not Today’s Extreme Heat”, Dr. Kissane’s article in The Messenger.

Brutal heat waves across the United States (and in many parts of the world) in June make the thought of how much hotter it will get in July and August — when heatwaves are typically more likely to happen — that much scarier. […] Extremes complicate the grid’s resiliency, and the risk of blackouts, depending on where in the United States you live, goes up. What is certain: Extremes are not going away, and today’s extremes are likely to be tomorrow’s new normal.

Will these heat waves cause blackouts? Read the full article here.



NYU SPS Center for Global Affairs

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