A Running List of NYC Startup and Venture Capital Job Resources

Use this list as a starting point as you searching for opportunities at startups and VC firms. The reality is the options are endless, and figuring out what job boards have roles you find interesting, and then staying on top of those, is key.

Generally Helpful Articles

Job Boards and Websites

Check these out to get the aggregated list of jobs posted or scraped from websites.


This is an excellent way to get jobs sent to you. The roles are highly curated, but often very exciting.

  • @ StartupJobs
  • Charlie O’Donnells Blog: On VC, seed investing, NYC startups, and more.
  • Confluence.VC: Get an overview of happenings in VC with some highlighted roles.
  • ExitUp: Specific roles organized by industry across the country.
  • OneJob: A curated newsletter highlighting amazing jobs. Mostly focused on full-time, but you’ll hear about amazing companies.
  • Accelerated: VC and Startup news, see internships and roles at the bottom.

Venture Portfolios

Some of these have job boards already, some post them on their newsletters. Find venture firms you’re interested in and subscribe. Here are some to start with:


The hiring process in general is moving towards community focused pipelines. Get involved (aka, don’t just lurk) in these communities.

Incubators and Accelerators

If you’re working on a startup, accelerators can be a great way to build your network and… accelerate… your progress. Some make investments, some take equity, some don’t.

