the Unknown

Akhil S. G.
O Conversations
Published in
1 min readJul 19, 2020

When I think I’m happy or believe this is a moment I will be happy I get hit by the unknown. The unknown comes through the blindside, hits were it pains and leaves letting the pressure felt.

The last unknown hit had left me numb, wiped me of my reality and swept me of my consciousness. It was dumb and blank through those moments.

So what could this unknown be?

  • a memory from the past that gets to the surface due to present acts or happenings
  • a thought that has been disturbing me for a long time but I don’t have the courage to face it.
  • an unsolved itch about the recent past that might become “unknown” later.
  • a complexity that might be ignored for simplicity; which later slaps on you on the face.
  • an ignorant situation or dialogue that now feels relevant but seizes to exist because the moment has past.

unknown it is !



Akhil S. G.
O Conversations

Wanderer of happiness. Seeker of love. Painter of smiles. One non stop Dreamer. A good Friend :)❤