Everything We Touch, Every Print, Leaves an Imprint.

Jessica Anwyl
The O initiative
Published in
4 min readMar 9, 2018

Artist, Lisa Roet, and The O initiative are CREATING A CONVERSATION around our ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT. Through interesting stories and the game-changing O fountain art sculptures.

The O initiative aims to reduce plastic water consumption by providing clean, beautiful, and accessible water-refill stations in public spaces.

Here we uncover the incredible symbolism, and the unbelievable story behind Lisa’s artwork, placed on one O fountain in The District Docklands. PLUS, the apt, and unexpected connection between the subject matter and the O initiative’s Founder, Gretha Oost.

Children’s Art Class at District Docklands

The “outsider artist”, Lisa Roet is internationally acclaimed, Melbourne born, an incredible storyteller, and an environmental activist. With art shows around the globe, and in Australia, she is well known for her thought-provoking art pieces. One of which is the fingerprint piece, which has a fascinating story behind it and a personal connection to her…

The fingerprint work is a real fingerprint I took of a 6-month-old baby gorilla. A [now] famous gorilla called Bokito.

A gorilla, rejected by his mother and reared by humans — Lisa used to play with him, collected his prints, and eventually, used them as part of the O initiative.

“The ape’s fingerprint here is about connecting to the earth and connecting to our, other.”

But the story about Bokito doesn’t end there…

Lisa Roet | Artist

“10 years ago, a situation happened at the Rotterdam Zoo in Holland.

Where a woman was visiting this gorilla weekly for a long period. She would take cakes and felt like she had a real connection with him. She’d say, “when I laughed, he’d laugh with me”.

It seemed harmless, until one day they were both in an outside enclosure with a moat between them. She started calling out to him, then suddenly the gorilla jumped over a four-metre moat and dragged her around the zoo.

A story emerged where she thought she’d been having a relationship with him and was devastated because he was aggressive with her…

I remember when I first heard about the incident, and a journalist mentioned it was Bokito! I couldn’t believe it because I used to play with him as a baby!

The media were so interested in it because there was a theory. That this gorilla, Bokito was looking at this women with affection because he was reared by humans. Especially given the nature of his bites — as they were consistent with the way gorillas bite their females.”

A fascinating story, but not simply a story…

Bokito’s print symbolises this connection to our other because that print could [easily] be a human’s, but it’s not.”

It’s about reflecting on the impact we have on our environment and everyone within it.

All the way from Holland, Bokito’s real print is now on an O fountain art sculpture in Melbourne. Gretha, the founder of the O initiative is originally from Holland, but because she’s been living in Melbourne, she wasn’t aware of this incredible connection [or story!], until after the fountain installation and art pieces were up! It’s a beautiful coincidence and couldn’t be more fitting because…

“It’s a vehicle to look at the way we behave as humans and how we’re placed on this earth.”

It’s a metaphor for humanity that can help us reflect back on ourselves.The thumbprint or footprint symbolises the impact we have on the earth and the other beings within it.

It reminds us of the kind of lasting impact we want to make. Because everything we touch, every print, leaves an imprint.

Imagine a world without plastic waste.

A place filled with art, beautiful spaces and thriving communities coming together to connect, play and collaborate. That’s what the O initiative aims to create. With beautiful, filtered water, refill stations, in public spaces, commissioned by local artists — like Lisa!

The O initiative by Lisa Roet was made possible by The District Docklands with the generous support of Wonderment Walk Victoria.

To support the O initiative, and build a sustainable and more beautiful future:

Contact Gretha on gretha.oost@theoinitiative.com

For more information, visit www.theointiative.com

Children’s Art Workshop at Docklands

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