Living more than most humans

Arthur Hennes
O.K.M. Series
Published in
3 min readSep 3, 2015


Introduction to O.K.M. Series

Let us clarify. By “Living more”, I mean making the most of any given amount of time to accomplish more in your life.

Over the years, I have developed practical methods to pursue this goal. I have now improved those enough for me to find them interesting to share.

Why do I care? Because I believe that, at least for a category of people, happiness is immediately linked to personal progression and accomplishment.

I have been obsessed all my life about optimizing my time, learning new things and achieving self-imposed goals. Not because I am manic or competitive, but because it makes me genuinely happy.

The three pillars

It has been a few years and several successes since I became conscious of the above. I have now confidently established that keeping pushing myself forward on the path of accomplishment relied on three essential pillars:

Organization, Knowledge, Motivation (O.K.M.)

Organization: maximizing your efficiency, freeing your body and brain from low-value added tasks, working with and leading others.

Knowledge: Acquiring new know and know-how, experimenting by forcing yourself out of your comfort zone, sharing and progressing.

Motivation: Keeping your interest level high, consistently reaching the state of flow, overcoming fatigue and boredom.

As you have surely guessed, those three aspects are mutually reinforcing. This makes any progress you achieve in each category a step forward.

A very practical guide to O.K.M.

How can you maximize your organization, knowledge and motivation? There is no universal answer, everyone being different.

What I wish to do is to share as practical and modular pieces of advice as possible. I will not recommend a holistic method or philosophy, because I know that everything I will present is not applicable to all readers.

Instead, let us view this as a pick-and-mix. I will regularly publish new posts about methods, either Organization, Knowledge or Motivation related, that have worked well, at least for myself. I will call it the O.K.M. Series.

Progressing together

I formulate two goals in launching the O.K.M. Series:

  1. I wish to be concretely helpful to my readers,
  2. I wish my readers to react and share their own experience as well.

Hopefully we can establish a conversation, in which we can learn and progress together as a community.

O.K.M. Series Index

In each category, I try to write my first articles about the most straight-forward (and yet essential) methods. Feel free to skip those if they seem too obvious. As I keep going, I go into more specific detail and subtleties.

I may also ask some other trusted writers to publish articles for the O.K.M. Series. I hope that you will not get too disturbed by the change in style!

Organization Articles

  • O4 - Templates are your friends (In progress)
  • O5 - The power of mind maps (In progress)

Knowledge articles

  • K2 - How to learn a job (In progress)

Motivation articles

  • M4 - The importance of having friends (In progress)

Thank you for reading through, I hope that you enjoyed this. I welcome your input and wish you a great journey on the path of progress, accomplishment, and happiness!



Arthur Hennes
O.K.M. Series

Global Business Manager, MBA and Engineer. Passionate about personal development, content creation and entrepreneurship.