
O-pen Book
Published in
1 min readJan 29, 2021

I am stuck

like a bird in a cage

It’s dark and painful

My cries disdainful

Loud and piercing

deafening and silencing

They are stuck

Like an old dog who can’t learn new tricks

In a mindset

Only unchanging

Like trapped in a net

Mean and daunting

I am stuck

Like skin to glue

I pull, I jerk, I heave

My efforts futile

I try again

It works only for a short while

The progress I made

Reverts tenfold

Their prejudice and hate

Punches me in the face

They are free

Like a man out of prison

Their hate

buried deeply innate

Calls for attention

As they crave satisfaction

They preach their woes

White’s are more dignified

Males are more superior

Disabilities are fried

Maybe there’s a way

to escape this cage.

With more awareness

or I’ll be a carcass

I hope one day

Equality not disparity

Will be the way

With equal equity

