Golden Girl

O-pen Book
Published in
Aug 9, 2021

Beauty beyond compare

The statue of a beloved

Painted, tainted in buckets of gold

Solid, unbending gold

The body of a daughter, unmoving

Arms positioned in one of embrace

Yet the smiling expression

Sheds unseen tears

The cascading hair stuck in place

Like a tabloid

Frozen in time

And she stood, unmoving

In the centre of a sunlit room

Gold skin reflecting the

Red and yellows of the dusk sky

Before metal reflects white

Moon rising

And there she would remain


Till daybreak and nightfall

Over and over

Her arms never moving

Her hair never falling

The perfect pose of love and affection


And she weeps no tears

For she cannot cry

But her heart hammers loud and true

Midas would claim, himself wrapped in her arms

Father and daughter reunited

In gold

