love letters

O-pen Book
Published in
May 21, 2021

Packing begins

i rummage through the shelve

and pick up a box

blooming with wealth

as i sift through them

memories roll in like a ball

from Sarah to Johnson

names i dont recall

as i read through them

i hear our hopes, our dreams

from BFFs to infatuations

behaviors so demure

i reminisce my past

pre, primary and secondary school

where their words cling on to

invaluable memories.

time seems to stop


as i recall our dexterity

some worn thin

some already yellow

some already discarded

as my box is quite shallow

as i pack them back

i know the next time i see them

ill a year or two older

with letters more cumbersome

yet im not afraid

for i know

my recollections still tethered

till these are letters are battered

