
O-pen Book
Published in
Jan 29, 2021

The light disappears

And the sun rises to shine on her eyes

The next day is here

Without her will

And it repeats

The babies cry. Clothes swish,

the vacuum shrieks, the dishes clinks

She longs to be out there

laughing, chattering, and running.

However, no matter hard she tries,

she will always be imprisoned.

trapped in the hellevator to home


She has

more to face

a broken mirror on the table

demons reflected in the eyes of her dolls

Every night at two

he welcomed her with

slurred speech,

bloodshot eyes,

and impaired judgement

And it repeats

her knees would drop

as he rises above her

firing abuses at her who had her eyes shut

She has

to hold herself together

to scram from her cursed fate

to love herself

Never forget the stouthearted females with voices .

