O-pen Book
Published in
2 min readJan 28, 2021



What’s the point of sunsets when they fade eventually?

What’s the point of laughter when joy is only temporary?

What’s the point of living when the soul disappears?

When you know that the pain inside will last for many years

It will splash like waves which break on the shore

And sure, it retreats

But comes back with power ten times more

Yet it is not the sensation of water hitting your skin

That hurts like birds breaking free from within

It is the knowledge that the waves will always return

And as you gasp for air, brighter does the fire in your lungs burn

Let go. Let it go. Let all of it go.

For you can only watch as the surface escapes from your grasp

As the Earth pulls you closer for a deep embrace

As your vision gradually turns bluer

The water enters your lungs, extinguishing the flames which used to dance

Soon enough you find yourself lying upon the ocean floor

The sand is grainy just like it is on land

Except this time, it is wet.

But the thing about hitting rock bottom is that you can sink no further

For a moment, peace is the only emotion that exists

It makes you ponder if the ocean truly is terrifying

Perhaps one day, life will grant you a cliff

So you will sit at the edge, away from the wet

You will patiently wait for the sun to set

You will smile as the last ray of warmth leaves your skin

For the vibrant colours in the sky signal her arrival

The tides will begin to rise and fall in a mesmerising pattern

The cool breeze will leave your limbs tingling

And when the whole world beckons you to jump

The moon will share her puppet strings



O-pen Book

If I don’t do something, nothing’s ever going to change.