Wrist Watch

O-pen Book
Published in
1 min readMay 21, 2021

It was a gift from my grandmother

Just one week before entering Primary school

My grandmother gifted me a watch

and taught me how to read time

It entered my life at the age of 7

At the age where everything seemed fascinating

I fell in love with it

The sky blue painted its body

and the number 1 to 12 stared at me whenever I looked at it

Whenever I was in examinations

I would stare at it

Hoping time would pass slower

Whenever I was scared

I would stare at it

Hoping time would pass faster

I would stare at it for any reason

Years and years flew

The sky blue began to fade

The number 1 to 12 began to fade

It started to disappear

And that day I feared so much came

I knew it was time

I hated to acknowledge

that I had to let it go

My mother bought its replacement

and took it away from me

Not knowing nothing could took its place

Although a watch may seem small

Accompanying me for 6 years

It was part of my childhood

And an object I would remember forever

