O-pen Book
Published in
2 min readMay 21, 2021

Sunshine flooded my soul. I felt a ripple of excitement at the thought of my first visit to Wild Wild Wet. It was a cool and breezy evening. White, fluffy clouds drifted across the sky. My brother and I were running all around the hotel room, driving my parents all dizzy. I was filled with energy despite the fact that I could not fall asleep the previous night due to overexcitement.

After putting on a swimming suit, I was prepared to head off. Meanwhile, my parents were on the last preparations, packing the black haversack with snacks and clothes. “LETS GO!” shouted my father. My brother and I rushed out of the hotel room and soon we were at Wild Wild Wet

I dipped my feet into the water. The water felt cold but regardless, I let my body in the water and slowly adjusted to the water’s temperature. Adrenaline rushed through my body that made my skin tingle. I was ready to take the water rides. With our hands held tightly, my family headed for the water slide.

When it was our turn, I felt nervous and ecstatic at the same time. We rode on the float and were ready to take off. The staff pushed off us and we headed down the slide at an unbelievable speed. Water splashed on our faces and entered the float. My pupils dilated and my heart raced like crazy. In a blink of an eye, we reached the end of the ride. It was the best moment of the day. We then went searching for other rides.

The sun started to set and it was time to leave. I was soaked in happiness. Wild Wild Wet made the best day of my life, and my family visits it at least once in a year. I feel free and unconfined whenever I visit there. It is a place that has great meaning to me.

