[NOTICE] 6 Types of DApp are Listing on Galaxy S10

chain o2o
Published in
1 min readJul 9, 2019

Final review of Samsung Electronics’ Galaxy S10 Key Store DApp
Up to now, total number of DApp services are 10
Samsung Electronics “We are continuously expanding DApps”

Dapp, which can be used on Samsung Electronics’ Galaxy S10, has been added. In March, Samsung Electronics drew public attention by introducing its own built-in blockchain Wallet into the device. At the time of the service’s initial release, there were four types of Dapp: CryptoKytties, Coinduk, Cosmi and Engine Wallet. Currently, six different types of Dapps have been added. We looked at the features and status of each service at the center.

Syrup Table
The Syrup Table is a popular “restaurant app” that MonsterCube has been offering since 2011, and a reverse ICO that applies blockchain. Through it, you can search restaurants according to categories by region and type of food. Users will be rewarded with SODA TOKEN (SODAT) when they visit restaurants or write related content. SODAT can be exchanged for ETH or exchanged for SOC. Currently, the SOC is listed on Probit, Coinzest and IDCM.

SOURCE : http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=001&oid=011&aid=0003583171

