SODA Coin Introduction Video

chain o2o
Published in
1 min readMar 12, 2019

Dream Global Stable Coin: SODA Coin

technological development

The technology development team trying to make the best soda coins received a 94 percent pass from the certik company. The technical skills and individual skills of SODA have been recognized. It is a soda coin that dreams of a safer block chain ecosystem with strong security.

Company Representative Interview

The SODA Coin is a daily coin based on a Syrup Table platform. Unlike traditional coins, concentration is on the payment. I designed coins that can be used often in real life. There are many platforms for existing users and they can be spread more easily than in everyday life. The goal is to enter the global market without being too far from Korea. Soda wallets are mainly distributed to Southeast Asian tourist sites and the goal is solving through using SODA Coin Bitcoin, Ethereum to food, clothing and shelter in Southeast Asia’s tourist areas.

