Grida_Zip, Specialized Company at Interior, Joined Monster Cube’s ‘SODA Block Chain’ Preoject

chain o2o
Published in
2 min readMar 11, 2019

[Special Economic = Park Dae-seong, reporter]

Monster Cube which operates a syrup table announced on the 26th that Elecs Holdings, who is operating the interior design specialist ‘Grida_zip’, is joining Soda Block Chain Service project.

‘Grida_zip’ is an interior construction brand operated by Elecs Holdings. It interiors for home appliances / furniture curating platform. It is an interior construction company that creates unique original house through the concept of personalization in existing uniform construction. In recent years, it has been opening a new chapter called “Built-in interior” that includes home appliances / furniture in interior by introducing ‘curating service’.

Monster Cube has completed the first DAPP of the SODA Blockchain Service project through a syrup table. Through this alliance with ‘Grida_zip’, they announced the realization of ‘real-life cryptocurrency’ which can pay the cost of interior with ‘SODA Coin (SOC)’.

YOO Jae-beom, president of Monster Cube, said, “Partners participating in the SODA block chain service project are using based on Soda Coin (SOC) that has high secure SODA wallet. It provides low commission, 0.3% and enjoy payment system which is in real time. “We will be able to use near-zero present of payment systems that fully complement the disadvantages of existing card payments and O2O services.” “Under these systems, the merchant’s satisfaction will be the best and users will be able to get a special benefit through using ‘SODA Blockchain service’. With this, it will be completed the best service that both supplier and consumer satisfied.”

An official of Monster Cube said, “We are in the process of contraction offline franchise such as laundries and golf academies all over the country and preparing services to enable payment on the spot.” “We have already applied the web payment system to make it available in online shopping malls, webtoon services and etc.. Yeongjong-do new town, delivery rider, etc., cryptocurrency is being built through ‘SODA blockchain service’.”

Meanwhile, Syrup Table changed the name of APP in March and is preparing a new concept O2O service that combines O2O service and will introduce a new service sometime next month

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