O3 Labs Monthly Report: November 2021

Caroline | O3Labs
O3 Labs
Published in
3 min readDec 3, 2021

November 22nd highlighted the whole month for O3 Labs. One day, five chains, and four mining events! Furthermore, we made important improvements on O3 Swap V2 based on the internal tests, and also a fresh O3 network website will be online soon for better user experiences.

O3ers, connect your wallets and check your rewards in the vault since the 4th O3 Swap Community Airdrop was just issued! Didn’t receive an airdrop when you thought you should have? Contact an admin in our official telegram group.

🕵️‍♂️Bilingual Job Hunters

We are looking for bilingual ambassadors who speak both English and have a native proficiency in other languages like Korean, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish. Other languages are of interest to us too, so please send an e-mail with CVs to contact@o3swap.com if you’re bilingual and interested!

So What’s New?

O3 Swap

1. Supported OEC, Fantom, Avalanche, xDai, Optimism Network

2. Added new USDT and USDC pools

3. Launched Ice Age Mining #6 and #7 on OEC and Avalanche separately

4. Launched Icing Sugar Mining #6 and #7 on OEC and Avalanche separately

5. Issued O3 Swap 4th Community Airdrop

6. Passed the V2’s cross-chain contract tests and completed the front-end interaction

7. Started internal test of V2

8. Improved the UI/UX design of V2

O3 Wallet

Latest Version

Download from https://o3.network/


  1. Supported OEC network in the Wallet module
  2. Supported OEC network in the Swap module
  3. Fixed known bugs

NEW: O3 Wallet V2

A new wallet is also on schedule for release later. Want to know what we’ve been working on this month? Check below:

  1. Imported and stored most of the required libraries
  2. Restructured the management rules of the wallet
  3. Improved and updated the interaction details of WalletConnect
  4. Added custom networks function
  5. Redesigned partially UI/UX


As usual, Ice Age Mining and Icing Sugar Mining are coming along with the new networks that were supported on the O3 Swap. Huzzah! This month, O3 Swap supported five more chains and held mining events on OEC and Avalanche networks at the same time.

  • Ice Age Mining #6 and Icing Sugar Mining #6 on OEC Network

The Ice Age Mining #6 started from 4 AM, 22nd November 2021 (UTC), supported USDT cross-chain liquidity mining (ERC-20 / KIP-20 / Optimism / Fantom) and O3 (KIP) mining, during 1,200,000 OEC blocks. The Ice Age Mining is still ongoing, so check the mining guide here.

The Icing Sugar Mining #6 finished successfully at the 7,166,000 OEC block in about 5.5 days.

  • Ice Age Mining #7 and Icing Sugar Mining #7 on Avalanche Network

Ice Age Mining #7 started at 4 AM, 22nd November 2021 (UTC), supporting USDC cross-chain liquidity mining (ERC-20 / Avalanche / Arbitrum / xDai / Optimism) and O3 (Avalanche C-Chain) mining. It will continue until 17th January 2022! Please check the mining details here!

Did you get some sweet O3 rewards from Icing Sugar Mining #7? YES! The Icing Sugar Mining #7 drew to an exhilarating close on 27th Nov.

  • MVBIII September Monthly Stars Expo on Nov. 6

To celebrate O3 Swap as one of the MVBIII September Monthly Stars, we joined the BSC live show and gave away $5,000 to be shared among 10 lucky winners.

Past AMAs

November 18th O3 Swap AMA in OEC official telegram group

November 19th O3 Swap AMA in Trader Joe telegram group

November 22nd O3 Swap AMA in Cherry Swap telegram group

November 29th O3 Live #12 Jswap AMA

November 30th O3 Live #13 HurricaneSwap AMA


Here you can join our communities to access all useful info and the latest news about O3 Labs. Questions and feedback are appreciated!

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🐧Keep an eye out for O3 Swap V2.

