O3 Desktop: Import Neon wallet accounts

Nick Fujita
O3 Labs
Published in
3 min readAug 27, 2018

If you would like to to start using the O3 Desktop wallet, and have been using Neon wallet up until this point to manage your NEO / GAS / NEP5 tokens, this guide will walk you though the process of importing all your saved accounts!

This article is a part of our set of guides for using the O3 Desktop wallet. We encourage your to check it out when you get a chance.

O3 Desktop: Setup Guide

Install the app

If you haven’t already downloaded the app, you can get it from any of the following:

Export Neon wallet recovery file

  • Open up the Neon wallet
  • Navigate to settings screen
Click “Mange Neon Setting” button
  • Export wallet recovery file
Click “Export wallet recovery file” button
  • Save the “.json” file to a safe location, and rename it to something you will remember
  • Close the Neon wallet app

Import wallet file to O3 app (first install)

  • Open the O3 app
  • If it’s your first time opening the app, it will look like this. If you already added a wallet, scroll down to the next section
Login screen on first open
  • Select “Import wallet file”
Click “Import wallet file” button
  • Locate & open the “.json” file you saved in the previous step
Locate file & click “Open” button
  • You should now see all of your wallets added and ready to use!

Import wallet file to O3 app (w/ existing wallets)

  • Open the O3 app
  • If you previously added or created a wallet, and want to import more wallets from your Neon wallet recovery file, your login screen should look like this.
  • Select any of the wallets you have previously added
Click on any of your saved wallets
  • This should take you to the wallet dashboard, where you can click on the settings icon in the menu bar of the left hand side
Click on the gear icon
  • Once on the settings screen, select “Import wallets file”
Click “Import wallets file” button
  • Locate & open the “.json” file you saved in the previous step
Locate file & click “Open” button
  • You should now see all of your wallets added and ready to use!
  • Navigate back to the dashboard by selecting the graph icon in the menu bar on the left
Click the graph icon
  • To select one of your imported wallets on the dashboard, select the dropdown on the top left
  • Select your desired wallet, and you are good to go!

