Yay! Here’s the O3 monthly report for May!

Arco Oliemans
O3 Labs
Published in
6 min readJun 4, 2018


Just like that, another month flew by… So many things going on that it feels like there’s a year worth of stuff happening in just a month! Good stuff and bad stuff..

Yoda knows.

Let’s start with the ‘bad’ stuff.

You might have noticed it while using O3 but we were facing problem after problem.. public API’s we used stopped working, and when we finally switched them over then new problems arose. So first off, sorry for all the inconvenience the past weeks for those who had issues sending and claiming. We feel like we are a lot more stable now and we will strive to work towards a problem-free user experience ;)

Also, the market has been hard on all of us. Better not look at your O3 portfolio pages too much. But of course as O3 we will keep on doing our thing, we keep on developing. Our team doesn’t care about the market prices at all, because…

We can say it’s true though, can you????

So with the bad stuff out of the way, let’s get to the point. What’s the good stuff that we have been up to?

Infrastructure, infrastructure, infrastructure

As explained earlier, during the middle of this month many may have experienced service outages on the O3 wallet. This was because for a long time we relied on publicly available APIs in order to send and claim GAS. However we, and the NEO blockchain itself, have outgrown relying on many of these public APIs. Thus we spent much of this time, beefing up our own infrastructure in order to handle the amount of traffic that we were receiving.

This was a huge upgrade that might go unnoticed by most end users, but gutting the majority of our application’s infrastructure, and replacing it with something completely different was no easy task. We hope that these infrastructure upgrades will help us move faster in the future, and improve the stability of our service, and by proxy the NEO blockchain. A special thank you to our partners at NEL, who worked with us diligently to help migrate our services.

O3 app updates

  • Rolled out version 1.7.2 for Android with new design for GAS claiming (should look better and claims more stable)
  • Rolled out version 1.4.1 for iPhone, solving multiple bugs and stabilizing the app.
  • Removed the ‘+ add NEP5 token’ function. Before users had to add tokens manually through this function. Now all tokens are added automatically and tokens show up when the user’s balance is higher than 0. We are working on a new token page, where you can see all available tokens and get more info on each token.
  • If you have read our designer Alex’s blog post 2 weeks ago, you might have seen the sneak peek of the new design for Android we are working on. We launched this new design for claiming GAS in version 1.7.2 for Android.
  • Rolled out Japanese and Chinese versions of the app for iOS! Android is coming soon.

So what’s coming up in June? A looot of good stuff, hold on to your chairs.

Yep, it’s true..


The moment you have all been waiting for.. NEP9 is coming! What? You don’t know what NEP9 is?

The proposal for standardizing on a URI format for applications to communicate with one another about asset and token transactions on the NEO blockchain has been accepted! So what does this mean? Teams developing across the NEO ecosystem can now start to implement the use of QR codes and payments links in a standardized way which will lead to smoother user interactions between different apps, say the O3 mobile wallet and your favorite online shop.

Please checkout our updated tool for generating QR codes to send NEO/GAS/NEP5 tokens. You can post these QR codes on your website, in your physical store, or your social media profiles, and anyone that has the O3 wallet app can easily send gas or tokens just by scanning the QR. In the future, these URI’s could also be integrated with web extensions like neolink or NEX extension so that even if users don’t have a phone, they can use the URI to make payments. We’re making the NEO economy easier to use one step at a time.

So give it a whirl by generating your own QR below.


If you’re accepting GAS or token payments in any of your online or offline stores tweet at us @O3_Labs

NEP-5 Token Notifications

We are adding a function where you will get a notification on your phone when you receive tokens in your O3 wallet address. If you’re on iPhone you can already try it out! For Android this function will follow later ;)

Redesigning the app

The new GAS claiming design on Android was the start of a series of things we are looking to redesign. This is an ongoing process so it won’t all be finished in June. We will bring out updates every now and then so you can enjoy all the awesomeness as soon as we have it ready. Of course we’ll also be working on bringing you these updates for iOS as soon as possible. A new upcoming function is a token page where you can see all NEP5 tokens and get more info on each token.

Check this for a sneak peek.

Overall the design is moving towards the foundation of the O3 Marketplace. A place where you can explore and participate in the NEO ecosystem.

Token sales launched

Our first token sale officially launched! To our knowledge this is the first token sale to ever have an interface directly from a mobile device, so we’re super proud of that. Democratizing finance means that people should be able to participate anytime, anywhere and that’s exactly what we’re doing by putting token sales at the palm of your hand.

We are now running the Asura coin token sale which will be live for the next 30 days, and you can participate straight from your mobile device through O3 with the funds in their wallet.

Coming up next will be Spotcoin! A lot of you might have heard about them through their airdrops already, but if not make sure to check them out! We are aiming to support more and more token sales as we go and will keep you informed. Please do check the token sale page in O3 to see which token sales are open for participation.


Who doesn’t like to receive an airdrop and get free tokens? We are collaborating with certain projects to give our users access to special airdrops. More details coming up soon. Anyone that would like to stay informed about airdrops can sign up here!

O3 T-shirts!!

So we had a user asking about O3 hats after seeing them in our last blog post. We’re not ready yet to roll out the hats right now, but we’ve created an O3 t-shirt y’all don’t want to miss out on.. If you’re interested in getting one you can buy them here!

O3 to the mooooooooon!

More coming up..

We have a lot of other cool stuff in the pipeline, but instead of announcing the announcement we’ll let you know when we have a clear delivery date.

So check in with us again on our next monthly report.

And you all know what to do. No matter what happens, don’t panic sell and keep on HODLing.

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