Influencing Technicians to Boost Revenue using O4S Loyalty Program

Hello O4S
Published in
5 min readJun 14, 2019
Influencer Loyalty by

Influencer marketing has been the buzzword of 2019 with brands increasingly looking to leverage the growing phenomenon. It is anticipated that influencer marketing will reach a market size of USD 5 billion to USD 10 billion by 2020. The rise of social media and content platforms have created influencers across various niche market segments with a loyal following. This allows brands to collaborate with “social media influencers” to reach a highly engaged target audience. The rise of social media influencer has amplified a well-known fact about word of mouth marketing.

According to a research report, 23% users on Facebook and 34% users on Instagram purchased something on the recommendation of an influencer or blogger. Surprisingly, lesser percentages of people on each platform bought something on the recommendation of a celebrity influencers. This pattern clearly indicates that influencers who have a direct connection with their followers have higher capability of influencing their decisions. What if these influencers had one-to-one contact with your potential customers?

Technicians are Biggest Influencers

While this “new influencer marketing” may have caught the attention of marketers, influencers have always been around us, impacting our decision-making process. The social media influencers may generate phenomenal results for electronic gadgets or fashion apparel companies, but a consumer would not buy paint or wire because some kid in their 20s said them to do so on Facebook. The user does not know which cable is fire-resistant or if 1 mm wire would be ideal for the gadgets to be connected. The situation is even grim when it comes to awareness about the ideal plywood or companies providing premium plywood.

So, who influences your end consumer? Is your end consumer even the decision maker? The average consumer relies heavily on the recommendations provided by the contractors, carpenters, painters, electricians, and plumbers. For any company selling products such as paints, wires, plywood, or pipes where the end consumer is not responsible for setting up the final product, the technicians are your biggest influencers.

It is essential to understand that the term influencer has been glamorized leading to a perception that someone with millions of followers and an entourage of photographers & videographers is an influencer. However, anyone who can impact the decision making of other individuals can be considered an influencer or at least a micro-influencer. According to a report by ResearchGate, 27 out of 28 respondents agreed that there were unable to differentiate between different brands of paint once they were applied on the wall.

In the same research, 24 out of 28 respondents agreed that they consulted painting contractors before making a purchase decision. The situation is not entirely different for electricians or carpenters, where the end-user is not even aware of most brands along with technical aspects of the products. So, who advises the end-user on the products they should purchase, and which product will be perfect for their requirements?

O4S Technician Loyalty Program

It becomes extremely crucial for companies to connect with the right influencers and incentivize them for their recommendations. Since the influencers are not directly part of the transaction, it becomes difficult to reach all the key influencers and formalize the entire process. With the technician loyalty program offered by O4S, your organization can boost sales while gradually improving brand loyalty. Some of the top features offered by O4S are as following:

Identification: One of the most challenging aspects of engaging with technicians is the identification of the right stakeholder. Our program will allow you to reach technician influencers selected using market studies, benchmarking, and outreach programs. Our verification feature ensures that only the right technicians promote your brand.

Automated Program: Using our automated program, influencers can enter their code for purchases made via their referrals. The loyalty points are automatically updated in the influencers’ account which they can access anytime. The automated program also lowers cost while increasing efficiency.

Flexible Redemption: There is no point in offering loyalty reward points if the influencers will be unable to redeem them as per their wish. We offer multiple redemption options such as coupons, vouchers, gifts, etc. ensuring something is available for everyone. This keeps them motivated to promote your brand and earn more loyalty points.

Analytics: The data generated can be used by your analytical team to identify the top performing influencers and offer them better incentives. It can also be used to identify weaker performing locations and products to boost them accordingly.

Communication: With O4S technician loyalty programs, you can connect with your brand influencers using push notifications, emails, and alerts. This direct communication can be leveraged by your marketing team to engage with the influencers and motivate them with new partnership incentives.

Promotions: Having understood the buying behavior of the influencers, your marketing team can craft an effective promotion strategy and influence the buying behaviour of the influencers. Our platforms make it seamless to integrate all these features and target the right decision makers.

Ease of Use: Our mobile App is easy to use making it hassle-free for the contractors, painters, carpenters, electricians, and other micro-influencers to understand the schemes along with other product launch details rolled out by your organization.

Complete Control: The O4S technician loyalty program gives you complete control of product catalog management, rewards catalog management, leader boards, loyalty status management, and more to enable you to leverage the service to the fullest.

Is Loyalty Program a Long-term Solution?

As access to information grows with the rapid advancement of technology, the attention span of the consumer decreases, and so does the trust in celebrity promotions. Organizations will have to evolve in their marketing approach or anticipate losing customers to other companies who employ an innovative approach.

With a technician influencer loyalty program, your organization can reach the right audience and create a long-term association. This direct connection will help you improve brand recognition and brand loyalty. Once you engage the right audience, there are multiple opportunities that your marketing team can explore. From sending out a new product broadcast to offering extra reward points on a particular product, the influencers can be influenced in multiple ways to accomplish your company goals. Get in touch with our executives to know more about the O4S technician loyalty program and the wonders it can do for your organization.



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