We are excited to announce the 1st of its kind — Kapor Center’s Oakland Innovation Lab, where “tech done right” ideas are given space and support to grow

Meghna Mahadevan
1 min readJul 27, 2018


S . . . P . . . A . . . C . . . E

2018 iLab Cohort

Let’s talk about it. Who has it?

In the bay area, very few conversations happen without a mention of ‘space’. The booming tech industry has contributed to the growing density of the area due making space a scarcity and displacing residents and businesses. The imbalance between jobs, housing, and transportation exacerbates these issues. The proximity to jobs is declining in urban areas, especially in high-poverty and majority-minority neighborhoods, according to this SPUR report. For an organization wanting to stay in Oakland, the average cost of an office space for a team of six is $4000/month. As an organization needing to mature beyond a home workspace or cafe, but without enough capital to spend on rent- this is a very real barrier to growth…

The solution: Kapor Center’s Oakland Innovation Lab

Check out the Kapor Center’s solution to this growing problem here.



Meghna Mahadevan

a collective builder, tech abolitionist, and queer dance floor nerd rooted in atlanta, GA. DJ as Yoni Yacht Club.