5 Ways to increase your Shopify sales in 2018

Amy Bryant
Published in
3 min readSep 7, 2018

The tools and tips you need to boost your Shopify sales in 2018.

Chat bots

Integrate a functional chat bot into your Facebook page and Shopify site. You can easily monetise your followers on Facebook, and provide customer support. The chatbot will be able to take feedback to improve customer satisfaction, answer basic questions, provide personalised assistance, promote discounted offers on products, and be available 24/7. Chatbot tools like Instabot, operate as conversational commerce, providing consistent communication with your customers, and assist in generating this into an increase in sales. Market Inspector found that 47 percent of users would consider buying products through a chatbot.

‘Make an offer’ tool

Empower your customers and provide the opportunity to make an offer on your products. Oaklas is the customer conversion tool for online retail. The tool enables your customer to negotiate the price on their desired product, and for you to accept an offer. This powerful service assists with increasing your conversion rates and sales, improving customer satisfaction and fighting cart abandonment. Everyone loves a deal, and one of the biggest factors when going through with a purchase is the price. Given the opportunity to pay less is a motivation for customers to take action. The retailer always stays in control, as you set the price and decide whether to accept or decline an offer. This tool is the next step in improving your Shopify cashflows and effectively manage your inventory.

Product upsell and cross-sell

You can increase sales and maximise profits by effectively upselling and cross-selling your products. Upselling involves you, the retailer, encouraging customers to purchase an upgraded version of the primary product they have selected, while cross-selling is encouraging customers to add relatable items in addition to the primary product. Have you ever ordered a ‘Mac’ burger but then asked if you want the ‘Big Mac’ instead? This is an example of upselling. You’ve then probably been asked, “do you want fries with that?” And here you have cross-selling. These techniques will assist you in optimising your sales and conversion rates for your Shopify business.

Buyer persona

Creating a buyer persona for your online business enables you to fully focus in on your target audience. A buyer persona identifies the demographics, interests, income and the general representations of who your customers are. You’ll be able to learn more and understand the desires of your customers, so you can market and tailor your product to suit their needs. Research and gather information to provide key insights into who your customers really are. This is important for marketing accurately and personally to your customers’ individual needs.

Content marketing

Today the customers are guiding themselves through the sales funnel instead of the traditional forms of advertisement and salesperson expertise. Your customers are conducting their own research of what they want, so ensure your business is discoverable in this process with content marketing. It is a strategic approach that involves producing valuable and consistent content aimed at engaging with an audience and promoting your business. Design your strategy based on your business’s goals and persona, so when potential customers are searching the web for the right answers, it is your brand they will continue to see.

