The perks of working in a shared office space.

Amy Bryant
Published in
2 min readJan 21, 2019

We love working in Tank Stream Labs, a co-working office space in the heart of Sydney CBD. Not only is it a positive and energetic environment to work in, as well as a hub for connecting with like-minded businesses and startups, it is also cost-effective and located in a prime city spot.

Research from Harvard Business Review, found that co-working spaces are an effective place for individuals to thrive in. They found that:

“People who use coworking spaces see their work as meaningful…have more job control…and feel part of a community.”

So let's go into more detail about the positives of working in a shared space.

Flexible & cost-effective

If you are starting a small business or startup and need a place to work, but limited on cash flow, shared work spaces are perfect. They provide a fully equipped and efficient office space without the burdens of renting and setting up your own office.

Productivity and Motivation

When you’re surrounded by other individuals who are productive and passionate about what they do, it’s easy to feel motivated to work hard, focus on your goals and achieve. Because the people working in shared offices are there because they want to be, it generates an energetic and positive atmosphere.

Community & Networking

Shared spaces generate a communal vibe and unique experience for workers. By fostering a network and community there is the opportunity to collaborate with other like-minded people. Sure, the desk space is for working, but taking the time to eat lunch in the kitchen, checking event boards and starting conversations will broaden your network. You’ll also expand your knowledge, being surrounded by other members with a diverse range of skill sets and creative ideas.

Fantastic facilities

The facilities of a shared office space provide convenience and ease. You pay for your membership and the utilities, furniture and maintenance are all taken care of. There are also perks like coffee and tea, meeting rooms, free internet and printing, communal lunches and fitness events.

Getting your name out there

When you’re starting a business, it’s important, yet often difficult, to get your name out there in the industry. However, at co-workspaces, you can share your business, service or product with others. They can provide feedback, connect you with other individuals in the industry, and be your supportive advocate. Co-working spaces also provide access to key players and opportunities in the industry, like incubator programs, angel investors and VCs.

