Birthday Sunday!

Oasis Church Birmingham
Oasis Church Birmingham
2 min readSep 27, 2023


One thing we’ve always tried to do as Oasis is to make a bit of a big deal of celebrating our birthday as a church. Not because we love to big ourselves up (quite the opposite!), but because it provides a really helpful moment each year for our community to look back and celebrate in everything that has been going on amongst us, and look ahead at everything we are believing for in the year and years ahead.

This birthday is Oasis’s 24th, when we’ll be kicking off a whole year of special events to celebrate our 25th year as a church — including an art exhibition, church weekend away, and celebration services. More information on these to come later this term!

What better way to start the celebrations though than with baptisms? A number of different people from the community will be getting baptised this Birthday Sunday; these are always moments of incredible celebration, as we get to rejoice together in God’s faithfulness expressed through the stories of transformation that have happened amongst us.

So, on Sunday 1st October, we’re going to make some space to celebrate those…and everyone is invited! We’ll kick off with our Sunday meeting from 10:15am for a 10:30am start, with worship, testimonies, and a message on Baptism from Adrian. Afterwards, we’re celebrating with a big buffet lunch, inflatables, music and connection, and absolutely everyone is invited!

Whether you’re part of our regular community, a neighbour on South Street, someone who’s been part of Oasis in years gone by, or just happen to be walking along outside and wonder what’s going on, everyone is welcome to come and join us for some or all of the day.

Hope you can join us as we celebrate together!

“Come and see what God has done, his awesome deeds for mankind!” — Psalm 66:5



Oasis Church Birmingham
Oasis Church Birmingham

Oasis is a community of people from Birmingham and the surrounding area who believe that Jesus changes everything