Building Special Offering

Oasis Church Birmingham
Oasis Church Birmingham


This year, Oasis has the amazing opportunity to purchase the incredible, 150-year-old, former Methodist Church that’s been a base to build home in for the past five years. And whether you’re Oasis past, present, or just an interested onlooker, you are invited to play a part in the journey, to pray, to give, and to support.


This is a big step of faith for the Oasis community! But throughout the Bible, it seems to be the moments where people are most reliant on God that He does the most remarkable things. So, we give ourselves to prayer, knowing that if we do end up owning South Street, it will be His work, not ours!


As always at Oasis, giving is about the heart, not the amount. A little or a lot, if you are able to give, we would just be delighted to have you standing with us. There’s an opportunity to pledge financial gifts at a Special Offering during Oasis Sunday Meetings on 29th Jan and 5th Feb, or online now by clicking here.

Depending on the results of the Special Offering, if we are able to move forward with the purchase, the Oasis Team will then be back in touch with everyone who has pledged with details on how to fulfil those in March/April.


It’s fantastic to have so many people encouraging us in this adventure — your support is so appreciated! Please do feel free to share this adventure with anyone you think might be interested, and to get in touch with the team at if you have any questions, comments or encouragements. You can find a booklet with more detail on the history of Oasis at South Street, vision for the building, and practical details for how the purchase would work by clicking here.



Oasis Church Birmingham
Oasis Church Birmingham

Oasis is a community of people from Birmingham and the surrounding area who believe that Jesus changes everything