Fire Before Us
“Fire before us, you’re the brightest, you will lead us through the storms”
These words, from “My Lighthouse” by Rend Collective (which we sung together as an Oasis community on Sunday 1st September), stuck with me over the rest of the day. The more I pondered them, the more they seemed to chime with the prophetic encouragements we heard during the service around this being a new season and God doing a new thing amongst us, as well as His faithfulness throughout times of both change and stability.
It reminded me of two passages of scripture about God acting as light on behalf of His people; one from near the beginning of the story of the people of God, and one from near the end.
By day the LORD went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night.
- Exodus 13:21
This verse comes as God leads His people out of slavery in Egypt, and onwards towards the land He has promised them and prepared for them. And it gives an incredible picture! A huge pillar leading the masses of people on their journey; cloud by day, and fire by night. What struck me in particular though was the reason given: “so that they could travel by day or night”.
God’s presence comes as fire to bring light for the people, so that they can continue their journey. They are in the midst of a dramatic change in circumstances — from slavery to freedom, from work to rest, from scarcity to abundance — but, as anyone who knows the story will know, it’s a journey with a huge amount of turmoil, uncertainty and fear. But God is with them on the journey. His presence with them, experienced as light, is what enables them to continue walking onwards even when they don’t fully understand the new season they are walking into.
Fast forward then, to the second passage:
There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever.
- Revelation 22:5
At the very end of the story, God’s people are at rest, at last. Everything that the promised land was a pale imitation of is fulfilled in the new creation inaugurated through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, which one day will bring heaven and earth together in perfect unity.
And on that day, God will again be experienced as light. This time though, it’s not to enable a journey to continue, but because one has finished. The picture is of God’s people reigning with Him — an image of those who are seated, not needing to strive or earn a position, but instead settled in the place that had always been prepared for them. God known as light means that they can rest, safe and secure in His provision, and know His wisdom to see and do all He has called them to.
So, this September, whether you are embarking on a journey of change, or you’re settled in what God is calling you to, the encouragement from these verses is to allow the presence of God with you to be your light. He is the “fire before us”, making a way ahead in this new season. Whatever it has in store for you, whether storms or calm seas, His faithful, enduring love is with you and for you, and He won’t let you go.
Let Him lead you, guide you, give you wisdom, seat you in the place He has prepared for you, and light your way in times of both travel and rest.