Jesus Is Enough: Katie’s Story

Oasis Church Birmingham
Oasis Church Birmingham


In the Autumn of 2023, Oasis took a term to explore Paul’s letter to the Philippians under the banner heading “Jesus is Enough, Full Stop”. In this blog article, Katie shares how she has been learning to embrace this truth over the past few months.

When Adrian started the recent teaching series, I found that I‘d already been thinking about Jesus being enough, all the time, for quite a while. I knew that at times Jesus didn’t really ‘feel’ enough and so I found myself asking “When isn’t He enough in my life and why do I struggle with it? What are the “Jesus AND” or “Jesus BUT” statements that I’m living with?”

It wasn’t long before He started to speak, and I realized I was living believing that “Jesus is enough for me BUT only when I am surrounded by friends and family who show me their love”.

Over the following few months God continued to speak. First, my best friend became very sick. Suddenly I saw less of her, spoke to her less online via text and generally for a while my friendship with her looked and felt very different as God restored her body and mind. Again, Jesus spoke: “Am I enough for you?”.

In the summer, my parents moved further away. It’s now a three-hour car journey to see them, which means that in the busyness of life visits will likely take more planning and happen less often. In gathered settings, I’ve recently been struggling with feeling unseen and unheard, causing me to retreat into myself rather than engaging with others.

Several weeks ago, I caught COVID, forcing me into isolation and separating me from family. Protecting them, I watched on from our conservatory unable to join in with usual family life, and it was then I heard God speak again. “When you can’t see your friends, hug your family or visit your Mum, am I enough? When you get fewer messages or feel unseen, am I enough for you?”

I can sometimes be a bit slow to catch on, but this time I heard God loud and clear. Since then, I’ve been pressing into God in my weakness, spending more time with Him not less, and honestly, during my isolation I didn’t feel alone for one second. He truly was and is enough.

God is faithful, gently, loving, kind and very, very patient. I have found that though I am a work in progress, and this lesson may well repeat itself in different guises, I can truthfully say right now that “Jesus is enough for me”.

No ‘ands’, no ‘buts’.

Would you like to share a story of what it has looked like for you to know that Jesus is enough, full stop? Get in touch with — he’d love to hear from you!



Oasis Church Birmingham
Oasis Church Birmingham

Oasis is a community of people from Birmingham and the surrounding area who believe that Jesus changes everything