Amber Network Newsletter: Week of June 22

Anne Fauvre-Willis
Oasis Foundation
2 min readJun 26, 2020


Welcome to the first edition of the Amber Network newsletter!

Excited to be at this point and will say again and again — thank you thank you for all the work you all have done to get the Oasis Network to this point. We are well on our way to a fully decentralized Mainnet and there’s no way that would be possible without all of you.

A few things to cover in this week’s note.

New and improved tools for the network!

Thanks to the awesome work of a number of different teams there are now some awesome tools to follow and track the network that we wanted to give a shout out to the following teams (and more are in the works!)

Block Explorers:

everstake Oasis Block Explorer

Validator Leaderboards:

Additionally, Simply Staking also recently released PANIC — a really nice tools to help monitor your node on the network.

Please check this and some other awesome tooling — including a few things from the Oasis Protocol Foundation — here.

Join us at the Responsible Data Summit!

A quick plug for an amazing conference that Dawn (and many of us at Oasis) are working to put on focused on data privacy, data rights and the building of a responsible data economy.

The conference is virtual and will take place over multiple weeks with tracks focused on different topics including responsible data use in the time of COVID, responsible data innovation and development, and privacy and decentralization (an awesome event that includes a talk from Iqlusion’s very own Zaki Manian among many others!).

Please check it out and join us! It’s free, it’s easy to join (you can do it from home) and we’d love to have you on board!

A call for feature requests, issues and more

As you all have feedback, feature requests, or even features you want to build for the network yourself, we’d love to have more of you filing issues for bug fixes, filing issues for new feature requests and even submitting PRs to the oasis-core code!

Update on the community node program

We’ve had a TON of interest in the community node program and it’s awesome to see so many new folks interested in learning about the Oasis Network. If you’re interested you can sign up here.

Our goal will be to review all applicants and provide a delegation to selected nodes each Friday.



Anne Fauvre-Willis
Oasis Foundation

@OasisLabs and contributor to the #OasisProtocol; former Apple / iPhone product marketer & Madeleine K. Albright staffer