Amber Network: Weekly Update

Use case examples, community tooling and the Responsible Data Summit

Anne Fauvre-Willis
Oasis Foundation
Published in
2 min readJul 10, 2020


Hi All,

As the Amber Network is now in full gear, just a few quick updates and reminders as we continue to fine-tune things for Mainnet!

And now a few quick updates…

Consensus Committee Size

We’ve heard feedback from many in the community that the consensus committee should be larger than 70 (what it’s set at now). We hear that and will plan to propose an increase to that committee size at the next upgrade. More on both to come soon.

Security Patch Reminder

A reminder that last week a fix for a critical security vulnerability in Tendermint was released (2020–07–02T14:50:05Z). We’ve released a patch update of oasis-node for the Amber Network. If you haven’t already, please upgrade to the latest version of oasis-node (v20.8.2) ASAP.

Instructions are here:

Anthem from Chorus One is Here!

Chorus One recently launched their Anthem tool on the Oasis Network making it easy to check your own activity on the network, and soon stake and delegate all in one place. Check it out here.

A few community updates

If you’re interested in learning a bit more about the applications building on the Oasis Network, I wanted to highlight a few that are in development now:

Join us at the Responsible Data Summit!

A quick plug for an amazing conference that Dawn (and many of us at Oasis) are working to put on focused on data privacy, data rights and the building of a responsible data economy.

The conference is virtual and will take place over multiple weeks with tracks focused on different topics including responsible data use in the time of COVID, responsible data innovation and development, and privacy and decentralization (an awesome event that includes a talk from Iqlusion’s very own Zaki Manian among many others!).

Please check it out and join us! It’s free, it’s easy to join (you can do it from home) and we’d love to have you on board!

That’s all for this week. Thanks as always!




Anne Fauvre-Willis
Oasis Foundation

@OasisLabs and contributor to the #OasisProtocol; former Apple / iPhone product marketer & Madeleine K. Albright staffer