Grant Spotlight: Smart Stake

Building critical tools to benefit the Oasis Ecosystem

Oasis Network
Oasis Foundation
Published in
3 min readMay 20, 2020


This is a part of a series highlighting the work of developers on the Oasis Network through the Oasis Grants Program. Go here to learn more about the program and apply.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Smart Stake provides validation services for proof-of-stake blockchains. We provide a transparent, reliable, and feature rich staking service. Smart Stake is #2 validator for Aion network and has been participating in the Oasis incentivized testnet from the beginning. It is based in Canada and operated by an IT professional with 20+ years of experience in enterprise software development.

And a bit about your project?

Smart Stake is building tools to support the Oasis ecosystem and provide user friendly features to assess network health, validators’ performance, and individual token holder related features including rewards calculator, stake history, rewards history.

Validator Leaderboard
Signatures per hour by node. The dashboard also tracks signatures by day, performance and availability trends.

When and why did you first get excited about blockchain technology?

A friend of mine introduced me to blockchain in late 2017. Like many who got into blockchain in 2017, volatility was the first thing that attracted me to blockchain. It was an enigma at that time and continues to be a learning experience. I was always keen to use my skills in the blockchain industry and worked on some personal projects before finally becoming a validator on Aion network.

What made you interested in building on the Oasis network?

I got interested in Oasis after reading about it. Data privacy issues affect us all and Oasis’s focus on data privacy attracted me towards it. The friendliness of Oasis team sealed it for me.

Any big milestones coming up for your project that our readers should know about?

Smart Stake dashboard will add visual performance indicators for all validators. Many features for delegates will be added in quick succession as the network launches.

How can others try out your product? Learn more about what you’re up to?

Smart Stake Dashboard is open for all to use. And we have some surprises in store that will keep everyone engaged!

Anything else you’d like to share?

We are always open to feedback and feature requests. Many of the tools that we build are based on features that the community values. Looking forward to working with the Oasis community.



Oasis Network
Oasis Foundation

A privacy-first, proof-of-stake, decentralized network. Learn more at & sign up to our newsletter at