Public Testnet Weekly Update

Week of December 5

Anne Fauvre-Willis
Oasis Foundation
Published in
2 min readDec 7, 2019


Below is a weekly email sent recapping updates and what’s to come on the Oasis Network. This goes to all Oasis public testnet vaildators, Oasis Quest competitors, and many community supporters. Click here to subscribe.

Hi All —

Some updates on the network and some reminders below.

Network updates:

  • As a reminder, the network had its first decentralized upgrade last Wednesday (change log here). Thanks to all who participated, the first upgrade was really smooth!
  • ***If you joined before November 26 and have not upgraded your node, please do so now. Instructions here.***
  • Before the staking competition we will plan to do one more upgrade but with a bit more coordination and orchestration required so would be great to get you onboarded now to run through that test.
  • This is also a great dry run for the competition when we’ll have a few rewards to give away for successful coordinated upgrade participation. If you do it now, you’ll definitely earn tokens when the time comes :)

Future upgrade plan:

  • Sharing a bit more on what our plans are going forward so you can prepare.
  • Before we start The Quest, we want to do one more upgrade dry run — this time we’re aiming to do a coordinated time-based upgrade, so we’ll need as many of you online and ready to go as possible.
  • Expect the coordinated upgrade for the week of December 16. At least 5 days in advance we’ll give you a more specific time to prepare as well.
  • Why should you participate now? The biggest reason is — in the Quest Competition — we’ll run a few coordinated upgrades and reward any node who successfully participates. Think of this testnet upgrade as your best practice run so you’ll be guaranteed to earn tokens in January.

Other updates:

  • The Quest: some reminders
  • Big note here is the competition will start in early January
  • The competition will kick off with a genesis block of all initial competitors. To be in this block you need to:
  • Set up a node on the public testnet
  • Sign up for the competition and sign the waiver in this form when you do so


  • Many of you have asked about grants program and yes we do have one! We’re eager to support teams building operator tooling, developers interested in building privacy-first apps on the network, and supporting teams that want to grow our ecosystem.
  • Apply here and feel free to ping me on slack too for questions.



Anne Fauvre-Willis
Oasis Foundation

@OasisLabs and contributor to the #OasisProtocol; former Apple / iPhone product marketer & Madeleine K. Albright staffer